iSpeak Blog

We are constantly being influenced and we ourselves are influencers. As children, we hear the quote that “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” What people say and even what people do not say, can have a lasting impact. We are first influenced by our families and some people’s careers follow their parents, grandparents, siblings, and other relatives’ footsteps. I...

iSpeak Blog

Article 117 of the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR), fully applying May 26, 2021, is significantly impacting BioPharma companies. While integral drug-device combination products (such as pre-filled syringes and pre-filled injectors) are regulated as medicinal products in Europe (EU), certain aspects of the Medical Device Regulation apply to the device component of the product.

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of iSpeak Reading Roundup, are the top blog posts from October 2020. Discover key insights for cleaning validation practices, risk-based approaches to quality, and more for what the pharmaceutical industry was reading last month.

The 2020 ISPE Member Meeting included most of the usual components of live Member Meetings: Outgoing ISPE International Board of Directors Chair Frances Zipp passed the gavel to incoming Chair Joanne Barrick, new Board members began their terms, Board members completing their terms departed, and ISPE members received a report on the state of the Society’s business. 

iSpeak Blog

Global Regulatory Panel Session

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought increased harmonization and interaction among regulators around the world and the opportunity to consider changes implemented during the pandemic for the long term. Six regulators from five regulatory agencies discussed these issues at the “Global Regulatory Town Hall–The Impact of a Pandemic on Harmonization and...

iSpeak Blog

2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic have presented tremendous challenge to the world and the pharmaceutical industry—but from the pandemic has come stepped up development of vaccines and treatments, increased urgency to address supply chain challenges, and forging ahead to develop and expand of cell and gene therapies. There are lessons to learn from the industry adaptation during these months,...

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