iSpeak Blog

One predominant and common element within our pharmaceutical industry, is our devotions to patients. Within supply chain there is always a focus on ensuring the right product is delivered to the right place at the right time in order to ensure patient safety and the continuity of medicinal supplies. With the spread of COVID-19 across 117 countries and counting, every supply chain needs to...

iSpeak Blog

I grew up in the 1970s watching my dad, who was a retail pharmacist, bring joy to people who were sick. I thought my father had the coolest job – he could make people laugh no matter their health status. My father cared about his customers - knew them all by name, knew about their families, interests and what the patient cared about in life. My dad was a pharmacist that used a card catalog...

iSpeak Blog

In April 2010, the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland erupted for six days, wreaking havoc on air travel and supply chain activities across western and northern Europe for a month. Many companies were caught off guard, resulting in industry-wide recognition of the need to re-evaluate business continuity plans (BCP) to better prepare for threats of this magnitude. Today we are facing a new...

iSpeak Blog

Deborah Geyman became interested in pharma while still in high school; today, after working in the industry for three decades, she is the incoming ISPE North America South America Affiliate Council (NASAAC) Chair! We asked Deborah to share some of her experiences during her sixteen years with ISPE and her career in the industry she identified as her chosen vocation so early in life.

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