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ISPE’s official blog, iSpeak accepts contributions from our Members and professionals in the pharma industry.  

What We Look For 

iSpeak Blog

The needs of patients must always be at the forefront of what we do.

Many of our colleagues are taking on the challenge of rethinking the old ways. They are collaborating with each other and the regulatory agencies to take effective steps to remain at the forefront of regulatory science and innovation. Why? In order to ensure the continued delivery of effective medicines.

iSpeak Blog

The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter has won numerous ISPE Awards by virtue of their contributions to the pharmaceutical industry. They continue to have their finger on the pulse of the local industry and respond with innovative and educational programs. The Chapter’s Emerging Leaders Committee is...

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of iSpeak Reading Roundup, are the top blog posts from August 2021. Discover key insights for cleaning validation practices, risk-based approaches to quality, and more for what the pharmaceutical industry was reading last month.

iSpeak Blog

ISPE is a global industry leader in scientific, technical, and regulatory advancement throughout the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle. As a result, ISPE is in a strong position and available to assist the US government, its allies, and like-minded regulatory partners with implementation of recommendations emerging from a report,

iSpeak Blog

Imagine a time where medicines are made at your doorstep, where an illness can be treated in moments, storage conditions are a non-issue, quality is built in, and supply chains don’t matter. Your COVID-19 vaccine is manufactured, tested, and available for dosing, all within blocks of your home. Welcome to the age of transportable manufacturing.

iSpeak Blog

It’s hard to believe we are more than halfway through 2021 and how 2020 is such a distance memory yet so ingrained into our minds it feels like it was yesterday. As COVID continues to be prevalent in society and with our continued focus on life saving medicines we as an industry must maintain our “Agility, Collaboration, Innovation”. The facility and engineering track would like to invite you...

iSpeak Blog

Dr. Ferdinando E. Aspesi has been a member of ISPE for more than 29 years. Currently the Chair of the Pharmaceutical Engineering committee, he is also a member of the Delaware Valley Chapter and has been a member of the Global Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Leadership Forum, the PQLI Science and Technology Committee, and the Quality Metrics Team.

iSpeak Blog

This year’s ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo will be a combination of in-person presentations and events with virtual access to the presentations for those who cannot yet travel. The importance of information systems for our industry has evolved at an even faster rate. Digitalization is more important than ever, enabling us to work remotely effectively when needed and facilitates business...

iSpeak Blog

All it takes is a quick Google search for the terms “carbon footprint and the pharmaceutical sector” to reveal some depressing reading. Results are led by a staggering piece of research from 2019 that states the global pharmaceutical industry is not only a significant contributor to global warming, but it also produces 13% more carbon emissions making medicines than car manufacturers do while...