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ISPE’s official blog, iSpeak accepts contributions from our Members and professionals in the pharma industry.  

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iSpeak Blog

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, placing a significant emphasis on emerging technologies that facilitate quicker access of medications for patients globally. This unceasing drive for innovation and improvement has led the industry to embrace cutting-edge technologies like data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. These technologies are not just trends;...

iSpeak Blog

With a recent increase in interest and participation, the ISPE GAMP® Special Interest Group (SIG) focusing on Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) has mapped out an ambitious number of subject areas to use as the basis for future publications, presentations, and best practice guidance documents. With the co-leadership of Christian Wöelbeling, Executive Industry Advisor at Körber Pharma...

iSpeak Blog

Danielle Gabrish is the Director of Clinical Biologics at AstraZeneca and the Chair of the ISPE Women in Pharma® group for ISPE’s Chesapeake Bay Chapter. She’s also a mom, mentor, and advocate for women and Emerging Leaders.

iSpeak Blog

Addressing the unmet healthcare & medical needs is among the top priorities for global governments and organisations, including the pharmaceutical industry. We are facing unprecedented challenges due to the change with medical knowledge doubling every 72 days1

  • 1Peter Densen, “Challenges and Opportunities Facing Medical Education,” Transactions of the American Clinical and...
iSpeak Blog

Shanghai ISPE Pharmaceutical Information Company (SPIC) held the 2023 Global Biopharma Engineering Forum and ISPE China Conference in Hangzhou, China on 26-27, May 2023. Mr. Ping Zhang, Chairman of SPIC and the ISPE China Committee, introduced ISPE and provided an in-depth analysis of the prospects of domestic and foreign bio-pharmaceutical enterprises. The in-depth discussions from this...

iSpeak Blog

Cloud-based systems for plant process management (PPM)1

  • 1Important to Note: In the context of industrial processes and manufacturing, plant process management (PPM) refers to the systematic planning, implementation, and control of processes to ensure efficiency, quality, and productivity in a production environment. This involves optimizing workflows, resource allocation, and...
iSpeak Blog

Data Governance is currently utilized in many areas of business and government including finance, banking, telecommunications, and by the agencies regulating these industries. In pharmaceuticals, digital validation is still at a relatively early stage of the digital transformation journey where data governance is currently managed in silos of data (Industry 3.0) and the industry has of yet to...

iSpeak Blog

Tracy Jamerson is the Chapter Manager for the ISPE Midwest Chapter. She brings 10+ years of experience to the pharmaceutical industry, currently working as the Office Coordinator at Compli, - a wholly-owned subsidiary of George Butler Associates. Compli is part of the Life Sciences Division. GBA is multi-disciplinary. In this role, she is responsible for a variety of duties, including Project...