A Skill Management Framework for a Pharma 4.0™ Workforce
Cover: Pharma 4.0™ is driving fundamental industry changes and requires a comprehensive approach to workforce development. This article proposes a skill management framework aimed at empowering companies to develop a future-ready workforce, including practical insights within the context of Pharma 4.0™.
Embracing the Human Side of Manufacturing
Feature: For companies producing lifesaving treatments, the positive effects of employee health, well-being, and satisfaction can be easily overlooked, but those positive effects are real. An investment in people results in be er research, testing, and manufacturing processes, which leads to more efficient delivery of therapies and treatment to patients worldwide.
Nurturing a Culture of Collaboration and Growth
Feature: Organizations must continually evolve and adapt in order to grow, sustain, and stay competitive. No organization survives for a long period of time if it does not change with the times. The pace of change is accelerating, and the scale of disruptive market forces is growing by the day.
OOT Identification Methods: Identifying Out-of-Trend Data in Stability Studies
Technical: Drug stability data that deviate from an expected trend when compared to other stability batches or historical data collected during stability studies are considered out-of-trend (OOT) results. According to the US Food and Drug Administration’s “Investigating Out-Of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production Guidance for Industry,” OOT results should be limited and scientifically justified.
Future-Proofing CGT Facilities: Using Isolators and Bio-Decontamination to Future-Proof CGT Processes and Facilities
Technical: The production of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) can have many complex manual steps, which necessitates meticulous aseptic processing conditions to ensure the product is sterile, which is critical for patient safety. Closed isolator systems provide a consistent, compliant, and cost-effective solution, and can play a critical role in ensuring the safety of ATMPs.