November / December 2021

Women in Pharma® Editorial: Gratitude and Joy: Celebrating Success

Christa B. Myers
Christa Myers

It is easy to forget to enjoy your success. We all get so focused on the drive to be better, do more, prove ourselves, prove something, and grow that sometimes we forget to stop, be grateful, and enjoy and celebrate all of our success.

As Women in Pharma® (WIP) started out, we focused on “leaning in” and “being enough,” dealt with imposter syndrome, challenged biases of all kinds, and created ways to change the world. If you do not know any of those terms, look up some reading on these: they will change your perspective.

What we found out is that success and happiness are really centered around finding your own value in who you are and realizing that when you sit at any table, you bring value. Your value has nothing to do with titles, promotions, or what other people think about you. There is always something “more” to drive for, so enjoy the drive and keep driving.

How Do You Get To There from Here?

  • Create a simple timeline. Define what you want to do, set a deadline, and write it down: about eight sentences for goals to be accomplished within a year is enough.
  • List 15 things you have that you can bring to the effort to help you get to “there.”
  • List 10 people who can help you achieve your goals. Call each of them, and say, “I would like to get to this goal. What do you see that I already bring to the table that can get me there? What do I need to be aware of? What do I need to grow?” Write down their responses.

Be honest with yourself and start chasing opportunities to get some exposure to growth chances. Understand that growth sometimes happens with failure. Own that too. Keep growing.

You will get discouraged. When you do, call people on your list. They can help you achieve your goals. Sometimes they can help you to see you, or help you rewrite your story for others to understand better. Identify and address any self-talk that makes you feel and sound like a victim, then take responsibility for your own happiness and success and keep moving forward. Own that you bring a lot of value to this effort. Without self-value, no success will feel like success.

Without self-value, no success will feel like success.

Celebrate and Review

Start a gratitude list. Celebrate everything! Set small celebrations and rewards and acknowledge the great things that you are learning. Do something significant to celebrate: sing, dance, take yourself out for your favorite tea, and think about the great changes that you have made. Keep going.

Put a note on your calendar for 1 December. Review your goals and timelines for the year. Some deadlines were not met, sometimes your achievements did not happen in the way that you thought, some goals will need to be reset. Put a check beside every little thing you did, and look at how you did even more than you thought you would. Notice that you will be glad you did not achieve some things. That shows that your perspective has changed. That is huge growth.

On 2 December, set your goals for the new year. Ask yourself: what skills and lessons did I learn this year that will help me to become what/who I want in the coming year? What do I bring to the table even better/more/different than last year? How will I enjoy the ride more this year?

Get grateful. Joy is in gratitude, not in a title. But go after a title if you want it—just make sure you enjoy the success.