May / June 2024

2024 ISPE Biotechnology Conference Q&A

Phillip R. Smith, PhD
DNA Strand

The 2024 ISPE Biotechnology Conference will be held 17–18 June in Boston, Massachusetts, and virtually. Phillip R. Smith is the conference’s Planning Chair. He shares what attendees can expect at the upcoming conference.

What Are the Top Three Reasons You Would Tell Someone They Should Attend This Conference?

The ISPE Biotechnology Conference is known for its very strong technical program; the track topics and individual talks are highly relevant to today’s biotech industry needs. The conference also provides a unique opportunity to network with industry leaders and peers and the exhibit hall is an excellent showcase of a broad variety of new and important technologies and service offerings that are applicable across the industry.

What Are You Most Looking Forward To?

I am really looking forward to the keynote addresses. With topics spanning healthcare access, global supply chain strategy, nanotechnology and mRNA, digital twins, and more, the keynotes promise to be exciting and relevant. I’m particularly excited for talks addressing hot topics in the industry such as digital technology transfer and advanced manufacturing technologies.

Any Advice for Someone to Make the Most Out of the Conference?

My advice is to read the program in advance, plan out the talks and exhibition booths you will attend, and come prepared with questions. This will enable you to extract the most value for you and your company while contributing to the conference.

Why Do You Think Professional Development Is Important?

We work in a fast-paced and rapidly evolving industry. Technologies are changing frequently, including new and advanced therapeutic modalities, manufacturing equipment and facilities, digital strategies, and quality and regulatory requirements. Focused professional development, such as that available at the 2024 ISPE Biotechnology Conference, enables one to stay abreast of these and other emerging trends. The conference is a key opportunity to develop in each of these areas, and, in addition, network with the industry’s best.

Why Did You Accept the Invitation to Be Conference Chair?

I accepted the invitation to be the conference chair for a few reasons. I believe in the potential of the conference to be a driving force in the industry to bring forward and share new ideas and technologies, and I am honored to be a part of that. Additionally, the conference provides an opportunity for Emerging Leaders to participate—they are the future of the biotech industry. I look forward to seeing their contributions. Finally, this conference brings together leaders, experts, and practitioners from biotech companies, academia, technology and service providers, and regulatory agencies. This productive dialogue is critical to the advancement of the biotech industry, and I am excited to see it happen in June in Boston!

Why Do You Enjoy Being a Member of ISPE?

The ISPE organization has an amazing array of opportunities for engineers across the biotech industry to leverage, from Communities of Practice to technical reports and guidelines and conferences and workshops. I value my past and present interactions with members of ISPE. They are among the best and brightest in the industry. I am honored to be a part of such an organization that is focused on guiding the biotech industry in bringing new and critically important medicines to patients in need while providing opportunities for professional development and fostering a collaborative environment.

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