iSpeak Blog

Honorable Mention recognizes projects that did not win a specific category but were clearly successful projects that overcame significant challenges in planning, execution, and delivery.

iSpeak Blog

On 16 June 2022, the Project Management Community of Practice Benelux (PM CoP Benelux) hosted the “Need for Speed in Pharma,” event. There were more than 70 attendees at the event from Belgium and the Netherlands which was held at the MSD Animal Health facility in Boxmeer, Netherlands.

iSpeak Blog

Winners in this category exemplify application of novel approaches, standards, and practices which result in efficient processing, resourceful utilities, and business advantage by increasing patient access and preventing drug shortages through in-country-for country manufacturing; outbreak, epidemic, or emerging health crisis response via rapid deployment and fast-track drug production; and...

iSpeak Blog

Annex 1 of the EC GMP Guide "Manufacture of Sterile Medicinal Products" has a long history. First published in 1989, there have been a total of 5 adaptations in 1996, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009, but no complete revision. In 2012, there was a proposal for a complete revision which resulted in a concept paper in 2015. The first draft for comments from industry stakeholders was...

iSpeak Blog

It may seem that the only things loved by pharma industry more than acronyms are new buzz phrases. And that may be true. But sometimes, behind the buzz phrase, there are real, strong, achievable benefits to our work, our industry, and our end patients.

iSpeak Blog

Single-use plastics are critical for healthcare, life sciences laboratories, and bioprocessing. They have many benefits over other materials and their use is increasing. In particular, single-use technologies for bioprocessing decrease costs, reduce water and energy usage, and increase efficiency and scalability. However, most of these high-value, virgin materials end up in landfills and...

iSpeak Blog

The industry is continuously evolving to meet new requirements. Many of these requirements include adhering to global regulatory harmonization, improving supply chain robustness, minimizing drug shortages, reducing the complexity of managing product life cycles, and reducing the environmental impact of pharmaceutical processes. At the

iSpeak Blog

Winners in this category exemplify the novel application of process manufacturing techniques, innovative design concepts, new technologies and unique solutions that exemplify the next generation of agile, flexible, efficient and effective new and existing pharmaceutical and biotechnology facilities. This includes implementation of commercially available and custom developed equipment which...

iSpeak Blog

Winners in this category exemplify application of novel approaches, standards, and practices which result in efficient processing, resourceful utilities, and business advantage by increasing patient access and preventing drug shortages through in-country-for country manufacturing; outbreak, epidemic, or emerging health crisis response via rapid deployment and fast-track drug production; and...

iSpeak Blog

As the benefits of continuous manufacturing became more apparent in the pharmaceutical industry, companies looked for ways to incorporate the technology into their manufacturing processes. In 2017 The ISPE Oral Solid Dosage (OSD) Community of Practice (CoP) formed a working team to advance the use of continuous manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry and to increase the long-term...

iSpeak Blog

Are you considering joining ISPE? Or maybe you’ve recently joined the society or are a longtime member looking to better understand all the benefits available to you. If so, you’ve come to the right place!

iSpeak Blog

ATMPs are based on genes, cells or tissues delivered to patients to provide a therapeutic benefit based on a specific target of interest. Often referred to as ‘Personalised Medicine’. A sector of healthcare that is rapidly evolving and expanding with some unique challenges such as microbial contamination and product variability. Traditional manufacturing processes are for synthetically derived...

iSpeak Blog

GAMP® 5 Second Edition is here! Since its publication, GAMP® 5 has been far and away the leading international guidance on GxP computerized systems validation and compliance, and it was time to update our guidance to...

iSpeak Blog

That question was at the heart of the of ISPE’s “Expert Xchange: Regulatory Summit on ICH Q9 Revision” held 9 June 2022. Seventy-one participants from 14 countries discussed ICH Q9(R1) and received valuable insight from several members of the Expert Working Group (EWG) assembled in 2020 to lead the ICH Q9 revision process. Discussion centered on the current state of application of quality risk...

iSpeak Blog

Winners in this category exemplify the application of novel tools and approaches to delivering projects that improved efficiencies, overcame unusual challenges, promoted effectiveness, and organized stakeholders and project team participants in ways that led to successful outcomes such as efficiency, delivery, quality, product yield, consistency, and cost of goods.

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