iSpeak Blog

As we emerge from a global pandemic that has impacted all aspects of life – both personal and professional, we, in the pharmaceutical industry, should take the opportunity to reflect, learn, and look forward to the exciting changes and innovations within our industry. The past two years have seen unprecedented innovations in the development and manufacture of products that provide the promise...

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of the Pharmaceutical Engineering® Online Reading Roundup are articles addressing an issue that became a headline topic during the pandemic—and one that the industry continues to address: drug shortages and the supply chain. There are many questions about these issues: these articles present some strategies for addressing the challenges.

iSpeak Blog

What is the current state of your organization’s Change Management (CM) System? The effective management of change throughout the product lifecycle enables quality improvement and is critical to patient safety, supply reliability, as well as operational effectiveness and efficiency.

iSpeak Blog

The life sciences industry is in the middle of a significant construction boom, partly fueled by research and manufacturing of vaccines and therapies to fight the COVID-19 virus and its variants. There are hundreds of new projects under construction, in various stages of planning or just completed. The developments run the gamut from production facilities to office space to laboratories for...

iSpeak Blog

Microbial quality encompasses sterility assurance—and more, as discussed by Joyce Hansen, Vice President of J&J Microbiological Quality and Sterility Assurance at Johnson & Johnson in the keynote at the Plenary Session, “Microbiology Quality and Cultivating Emerging Leaders” that kicked off Day 2 of the 2022 ISPE Aseptic Conference.

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of iSpeak Reading Roundup, are the top blog posts from February 2022. Discover key insights for cleaning validation practices, risk-based approaches to quality, and more for what the pharmaceutical industry was reading last month.

iSpeak Blog

This article describes an amazing story of self-sufficiency: how Thailand has managed to develop six different Covid 19 vaccines in a very short time. This story describes how the Thai Government, The Royal Family, the Universities and private companies are working together to benefit the nation, three of these are using new technology developed in Thailand.

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of the Pharmaceutical Engineering® Online Reading Roundup are articles from 10 years ago: the year was 2012, and ISPE members were reading about a holistic approach to pharmaceutical manufacturing, defining metrics and intelligence, battling counterfeit medicines, and more.

iSpeak Blog

The very definition of gratitude seems lovely – be thankful, show appreciation and return kindness.

iSpeak Blog

Every year, the world rallies together on March 8th in support of International Women’s Day. This year, the movement is diving into the importance of creating a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. Below, two members of ISPE’s Women in Pharma Steering Committee share their perspective on biases, and how they navigated these experiences throughout their careers:

iSpeak Blog

The Women in Pharma Steering Committee Discuss Biases for International Women’s Day

Looking back on my career, I can honestly say, with a genuine smile, that, I am completely satisfied. I want for nothing, and for that I am overwhelmingly grateful and incredibly proud.

iSpeak Blog

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the biopharma industry megatrends and the world in ways that could not have been predicted. As a result, it forced world leaders, global economists, innovators, and suppliers to collaborate, rethink outdated processes, and innovate together to combat the virus for one common goal, to save human lives. It was by far a pinnacle moment and a great...

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of iSpeak Reading Roundup, are the top blog posts from January 2022. Discover key insights for cleaning validation practices, risk-based approaches to quality, and more for what the pharmaceutical industry was reading last month.

iSpeak Blog

In each issue of Pharmaceutical Engineering®, we introduce a member of the ISPE staff who provides ISPE members with key information and services. Meet Lynda Goldbach, Manager of Publications, Publications Department.

iSpeak Blog

Oxana Pryanichnikova is the Vice-Chair of ISPE Eurasian Affiliate with intensive involvement in the foundation of local ISPE organization since 2018. She is the Chief Business and Operating Officer of DXDO with more than 20 years in Software and Hardware Sales, Track&Trace projects, Business Development, planning and executing...

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of the Pharmaceutical Engineering® Online Reading Roundup are articles about aseptic to help you get ready for the 2022 ISPE Aseptic Conference in March. Here is a selection of some recent articles, including coverage of the popular regulatory panel session at the 2021 Aseptic Conference, the ISPE Barrier Survey, and more.

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