iSpeak Blog

As the pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate, the design and delivery of manufacturing facilities must keep pace with the associated changing requirements. The drivers for change are also diverse both with internal and external factors being relevant. For facility design this means a more focused risk-based approach is followed. The result is facilities which...

iSpeak Blog

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of pharmaceutical manufacturing, companies must respond to and navigate complex challenges to minimize risks and assure their manufacturing strategies deliver measurable value. As businesses evaluate whether to modify, expand or design new facilities, they must define and develop a robust and resilient framework for their manufacturing spaces and...

iSpeak Blog

In 2024, the Facility of the Year Awards (FOYA) honored Zydus Pharmaceuticals with an Honorable Mention for their state-of-the-art Oral Solid Dosage (OSD) manufacturing facility in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. This recognition highlights Zydus’s commitment to innovation, efficiency, and patient accessibility within the pharmaceutical industry.

iSpeak Blog

ISPE has announced the new 2024-2025 ISPE Affiliate and Chapter Council Chairs and Co-Chairs. ISPE Regional Affiliate Councils collaborate efficiently with the international ISPE organization and local regional peers to ensure optimal alignment and support for local success. ISPE currently has three regional affiliate councils including: Asia-Pacific Affiliate Council (APAC), European...

iSpeak Blog

In 2020, CSL initiated a benchmarking activity with a small group of peer companies identified through ISPE to explore creation and maturation of Asset Management programs at each company. The initial sessions were a success, covering topics such as Asset Condition Evaluations and Asset Management Governance. CSL was keen to continue the conversations and gather more insights on certain...

iSpeak Blog

Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are medicines based on genes, tissues, or cells. This class of products cannot be terminally sterilized and, in many cases, cannot be filtered and are manufactured by Aseptic processing. The increase in demand for these life-changing products has been fraught with technical and regulatory challenges as laboratory processes are scaled to commercial...

iSpeak Blog

ISPE’s Pharma 4.0™ Baseline Guide authoring team received the prestigious Committee of the Year Award, as part of the 2024 ISPE International Honor Awards which were presented at this year’s 2024 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo., The Committee of the Year Award recognized the Pharma 4.0™ Baseline Guide Authoring Team for their...

iSpeak Blog

The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a remarkable transformation, with advanced modalities like antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) and radiopharmaceuticals driving the evolution of precision medicine. These innovations are not only redefining drug development but are also improving patient outcomes through targeted therapies, reduced side effects, and expanded treatment options. The...

iSpeak Blog

All economic sectors, including life sciences, are undergoing a significant transformation driven by the increasing focus on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into their strategies and activities. This shift is crucial as companies face growing pressures from stakeholders such as customers, regulators, suppliers, and employees to act responsibly and...

iSpeak Blog

Designing a monoclonal antibody (mAbs) production facility presents a series of unique challenges, balancing regulatory compliance, efficiency, sustainability and flexibility. Through careful planning and design, companies can create production environments that meet growing demands while optimizing operational efficiency.

iSpeak Blog

From Student to Leader: Paul Quizon’s Journey in Pharmaceutical Engineering

For students and recent graduates venturing into the pharmaceutical world, Paul Marvin Quizon’s story serves as an inspiring guide. From starting out as a graduate student at the University of the Philippines Manila, Quizon’s journey through academia, industry, and eventually to a leadership role within ISPE...

iSpeak Blog

The ISPE Sterile Products Processing Community of Practice (CoP) Steering Committee is thrilled to announce a valuable series of blog posts, where its committee members dive into the validation and use of essential equipment and processes that drive sterile processing in the pharmaceutical industry. Planned blog posts include:

  • Validation of an Automated Parts...
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