Career Advice


From the time when we were young, we have been taught to avoid failure. You are told to get the best grades in school, which will lead to getting into college. And when you graduate, you’ll get a good job, work hard, and the promotions will come. At no point did anyone ever tell us to fail! But failure is part of life and we all have personal and professional failures despite our best...


I have always held myself to a high standard and kept high expectations for myself. I always thought that setting this high bar for myself would push me harder, make me better, and ultimately help me succeed. However, when I didn’t meet the expectations that I had set, I was so hard on myself. I would lie awake at night replaying where I went wrong over and over in my head, and all this did...


Across industries, the trend is toward speed to market. - Whether it’s meeting consumer expectations for instant service or being the first to bring an innovation to shelves, companies have plenty of incentives to make products and services available faster.


Richi Sethi, a Design Engineer for Biocon, India’s largest biopharma company, knows that process engineering involves constant adaptation. “We have to be very dynamic,” she explained. “People want to try new things, and we have to be on the forefront.”