Regulatory News & Updates

Regulations, Guidelines & Other Documents

A select list of recently released regulations, guidelines and other documents compiled by the ISPE Regulatory Quality Harmonization Committee (RQHC)’s Europe-Middle East-Africa Regional Focus Group

May 2024

EMEA Regulatory Update – EC / NCA


  • The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) published a joint framework for action to strengthen cooperation to support the implementation of the One Health agenda in the European Union (EU).​





  • The final version of the ICH Guidelines Q2(R2) Analytical Validation now available on the ICH website: ​
  • The ICH updated the ICH harmonized guideline "Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents Q3C(R9)" on 01/24/2024. As part of the maintenance process, the regulatory members of the ICH Assembly adopted a minor revision to section 3.4. including consideration of solvent volatility for analytical methods, (section 3.4., page 4) under Step 4. LINK for access to the full guideline.​
  • The ICH Q12 Implementation Working Group has published the much-anticipated Module 8 training case studies.​
  • ​M4Q(R1) revision: M4Q(R1) has been due for revision to further improve registration and lifecycle management efficiency, leverage digital technologies, and accelerate patient and consumer access to pharmaceuticals. Comments on the draft ICH M4Q(R2) guideline were due in April. ​



  • Health Canada (3/21/24) opened a consultation (GUI-0036) on the "ew Annex 13 to the Good manufacturing practices guide for drugs used in clinical trials (GUI-0036)," As an active participating member of PIC/S, HC will continue to update this guidance to align it with their standards.​
  • Health Canada’s Guidance on nitrosamine impurities in medications has been updated. Several updates to General and Quality-related topics have been incorporated into the guidance document​
  • Health Canada has revised the Guidance document on the Lot Release Program for Schedule D (biologic) drugs to capture proposed administrative, terminology and operational changes or updates.​
  • Health Canada : Annex 1 to the Good manufacturing practices guide - Manufacture of sterile drugs (GUI-0119)​

New information regarding sustainability

  • Information sharing with sustainability COP. Brussels wants to move out micro pollutants specially from drug products. In April, the European Parliament made it compulsory to remove them from wastewater before returning them to the environment or reusing them. Waste water treatments in cities will have to consider this and make investment to comply for 150 000 citizens and in critical zones 10 000 citizens. The Eco contribution directive will be adopted in June, Object 2030 20% of waste water treatment for 150 000 citizens will treat micro pollutants. 2045 100%. ​
  • PFAS are still in examination ECHA has to review 6000 comments including several heavy word documents. ​
  • Cyclosiloxanes 


A list of select Brexit updates compiled by the ISPE Regulatory Quality Harmonization Committee (RQHC)’s Europe-Middle East-Africa Regional Focus Group.
