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  • MSI

    Magnetic Source Imaging
  • MSPC

    Multivariate Statistical Process Control
  • MSS

    Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
  • MSSO

    Maintenance and Support Services Organization
  • MTBF

    Mean Time Between Failures
  • MTS

    Micro-structured Transdermal System
  • MTTF

    Mean Time To Failure
  • MTTR

    Mean Time to Replacement
  • MTTR

    Mean Time To Repair
  • MTV

    Mouse Thymic Virus
  • MU

    Measurement Uncertainty
  • Multi-Processing

    (IEEE) A mode of operation in which two or more processes (programs) are executed concurrently (simultaneously) by separate CPUs that have access to a common main memory.
  • Multi-Product Facility

    A facility that supports production of two or more products, either in a campaigned or concurrent manner.
  • Multi-Programming

    (IEEE) A mode of operation in which two or more programs are executed in an interleaved manner by a single CPU. Synonymous: Parallel Processing.
  • Multi-Purpose Facility

    Facility that consists of trains of equipment that have no specific API assigned, and operate in both a concurrent and campaign manner.
  • Multi-Tasking

    (IEEE) A mode of operation in which two or more tasks are executed in an interleaved manner. Synonymous: Parallel Processing.
  • Multi-Use Equipment

    Equipment used to process more than one product.
  • Multi-Use Facility

    Facility that produces a mix of different APIs and associated intermediates, but they use dedicated trains of equipment.
  • Multicellular

    Referring to organisms composed of more than one cell – often billions of them, arranged in various organs, tissues, and systems.
  • Multicentre Trial

    A clinical trial conducted according to a single protocol but at more than one site, and therefore, carried out by more than one investigator.
  • Multifactorial or Multigenic Disorder

  • Multigenic

    Of hereditary characteristics, one that is specified by several genes, as opposed to monogenic.
  • Multiple Condition Coverage

    (Myers) Test coverage criteria which require enough test cases such that all possible combinations of condition outcomes in each decision, and all points of entry, are invoked at least once.
  • Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 1 (MEN1)

    A rare inherited disorder that affects the endocrine glands, which release hormones into the bloodstream. The disorder, also known as Wermer's syndrome, can cause multiple tumors in the parathyroid and pituitary glands and in the pancreas. These tumors are usually benign, but they can cause the glands to become overactive and secrete abnormal levels of hormones. Those abnormal secretions, in turn, can cause a variety of medical problems, ranging from kidney stones and fatigue to fertility problems and life-threatening ulcers.
  • Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET)

    A technology by which a single female that usually produces only one or two offspring can produce a litter of offspring. Involves stimulation of a female to shed large numbers of ova; natural mating or artificial insemination; collection of fertilized ova (either surgically, or non-surgically through the cervix); and transfer (usually non-surgical, through the cervix) of these fertilized ova to recipient females.