A form of VNTR (Variable Number Tandem Repeat). Specifically, a segment of DNA characterized by the occurrence of a variable number of copies (from a few up to 30 or so) of a sequence of around 5 or fewer bases (called a repeat unit). A typical microsatellite is the repeat unit AC, which occurs at approximately 100 000 different sites in a typical mammalian genome. At any one site (locus), there are usually several different “alleles,” each identifiable according to the number of repeat units. These alleles can be detected by PCR, using primers designed from the unique sequence that is located on either side of the microsatellite. When the PCR product is run on an electrophoretic gel, alleles are seen to differ in length in units equal to the size of the repeat unit, e.g., if the primers correspond to the unique sequence immediately on either side of the microsatellite and are each 20 bases long, and an individual is heterozygous for an AC microsatellite with one allele comprising 5 repeats and the other comprising 6 repeats, the heterozygote will exhibit two bands on the gel, one band being 20 + (2 x 5) + 20 = 50 bases long, and the other allele being 20 + (2 x 6) + 20 = 52 bases long. Microsatellites have been the standard DNA marker: they are easily detectable by PCR, and they tend to be evenly located throughout the genome. Thousands have been mapped in many different species.