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  • MMI

    Man-Machine Interface
  • MMPs

    Matrix Metalloproteinases
  • MMR

    Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
  • MMS

    Maintenance Management System
  • MMV

    Murine Minute Virus
  • Mnemonic

    A symbol chosen to assist human memory and understanding; e.g., an abbreviation such as "MPY" for multiply.
  • MoAb

    Monoclonal Antibody
  • MOC

    Material of Construction
  • Model Organisms

    A laboratory animal or other organism useful for research.
  • Model Product

    A product which simulates a group of similar products.
  • Modeling

    Construction of programs used to model the effects of a postulated environment for investigating the dimensions of a problem for the effects of algorithmic processes on responsive targets.
  • Modeling

    The use of statistical analysis, computer analysis, or model organisms to predict outcomes of research.
  • Modem

    (ISO) A functional unit that modulates and demodulates signals. One of the functions of a modem is to enable digital data to be transmitted over analog transmission facilities. The term is a contraction of modulator-demodulator.
  • Modem Access

    Using a modem to communicate between computers. MODEM access is often used between a remote location and a computer that has a master database and applications software, the host computer.
  • Modifiability

  • Modified Release

    (ICH Q6A) Dosage forms whose drug-release characteristics of time course and/or location are chosen to accomplish therapeutic or convenience objectives not offered by conventional dosage forms such as a solution or an immediate release dosage form. Modified release solid oral dosage forms include both delayed and extended release drug products.
  • Modified-Release Dosage Forms

    Preparations where the rate and/or place of release of the active substance(s) is different from that of a conventional-release dosage form administered by the same route. This deliberate modification is achieved by a special formulation design and/or manufacturing method. Modified-release dosage forms include prolonged-release, delayed-release, and pulsatile-release dosage forms.
  • Modifying Factor

    (ICH Q3C (R4)) A factor determined by professional judgment of a toxicologist and applied to bioassay data to relate that data safely to humans.
  • Modular Decomposition

    A structured software design technique, breaking a system into components to facilitate design and development. Synonymous: Functional Decomposition, Hierarchical Decomposition.
  • Modular Software

    (IEEE) Software composed of discrete parts.
  • Modularity

    (IEEE) The degree to which a system or computer program is composed of discrete components such that a change to one component has minimal impact on other components.
  • Modulate

    Varying the characteristics of a wave in accordance with another wave or signal, usually to make user equipment signals compatible with communication facilities.
  • Modulation

    Converting signals from a binary-digit pattern [pulse form] to a continuous wave form (analog).
  • Module

    In programming languages, a self- contained subdivision of a program that may be separately compiled.
  • Module

    A discrete set of instructions usually processed as a unit, by an assembler, a compiler, a linkage editor, or similar routine or subroutine.