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  • Mouse Model

    A laboratory mouse useful for medical research because it has specific characteristics that resemble a human disease or disorder. Strains of mice having natural mutations similar to human ones may serve as models of such conditions. Scientists can also create mouse models by transferring new genes into mice or by inactivating certain existing genes in them.
  • MP

    Mechanical Polishing
  • MP

    Medicinal Product
  • MPD

    Manufacturing Process Descriptive
  • MPEG

    Methoxypolyethylene Glycol
  • MPN

    Most Probable Number
  • MPPS

    Most Penetrating Particle Size
  • MPW

    Medical Pathological Waste
  • MQ

    Silicone Rubber
  • MRA

    Mutual Recognition/Recognized Agreement
  • MRI

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • mRNA

    messenger Ribonucleic Acid
  • mRNA (messenger RNA)

  • MRP

    Manufacturing Resource Planning
  • MRP

    Materials Resource Planning
  • MRSA

    Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
  • MS

    Mass Spectrometry
  • MSA

    Master Services Agreement
  • MSC

    Membership Services Committee (ISPE term)
  • MSD

    Mass Selective Detector
  • MSDS

    Material Safety Data Sheet
  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)

    Document describing the chemical and physical properties of a substance as related to its safe handling and storage. The substance manufacturer originates it.
  • MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)

    Document produced by the manufacturer that contains the chemical and physical properties of a substance that are pertinent to safe handling and storage.
  • MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration)

    An agency in the U.S. Department of Labor that regulates safety and health in the mining industry. This agency also tests and certifies respirators.
  • MSI

    Medium Scale Integration