Membership Spring Drive - Join Now!

Looking forward to see you back for ISPE Belgium Affiliate Seminar 2022, organized together with UPIP - VAPI) on November 23rd in Charleroi, Van der Valk Hotel Charleroi Airport.


Supply chain resilience

Do you want to learn from experts working at GSK, Pall corporation, Astra Zeneca, Pfizer and more?

Join us during this full day event, starting from 08h00 with guest speakers, tabletop exposition, a site visit and a networking reception with foods & drinks.


  • 08h00: Welcome coffee
  • 09h00: Keynote speakers
  • 12h30: Lunchbreak and tabletops from sponsorships
  • 14h00: Keynote speakers
  • 15h00: Bus transfer + site visit at Exothera
  • 18h00: Closing and network reception – foods & drinks


Interested in sponsoring, please contact


Detailed agenda & registration: link