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SIG Product & Technology Transfer

About Product & Technology Transfer SIG

Together with several pharmaceutical companies, QbD, a Belgium-based consultancy and knowledge company, has set up a SIG Product and Technology Transfer for ISPE Belgium. This group’s goal is to collaborate on the steady improvement of tech transfer processes and the implementation of best practices.  

Since the start of this SIG in 2015, participants of different companies (Catalent, UCB, Sanofi, GSK, Pfizer, ...) have already presented their way of working when regarding executing Tech Transfer projects during the SiG Discussion Forums. 

To initiate the discussion, participants should bring 1-2 questions about items they are struggling with related to discussed TechTransfer topics. External speakers can be invited if relevant.

Join SIG Product & Tech Transfer

For 2020, there will be scheduled 3 Discussion Forums: March 2020 (Takeda, Lessines), June 2020 (Ablynx, Ghent), October 2020 (Amgen, Breda).  

Looking forward to meet you on one of our next Discussion Forums.

If you are interested to join, please contact the SIG leader: Katrien Janssens

Technology Transfer: The Most Important Trends, Facts and Success Factors

To analyze the current situation on TT, different companies with manufacturing plants in Belgium and the Netherlands were contacted in 2019 for an interview. The selection contained a variety of companies that differed in market (pharmaceutical, biotechnology, Medical Devices,…), technology (parenteral, liquids and creams,…) and size (local versus multinational). Eighteen different research topics were addressed and all respondents were informed about the study in advance to entice their participation. 

From this survey, seven interesting facts could be distilled and important success factors could be established. Some of the success factors that came out of the study were afterward studied in more detail: communication and maturity of the team, complexity of the transfer, maturity of the Sending Unit / Receiving Unit. All this knowledge leads to the identification of three emerging trends within the technology transfer field that can be summarized as the team, standardization and IT tools.

Download outcome survey:  'Technology Transfer: trends, facts and success factors’