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Technical Tuesday

Technical Tuesday: Applying Digital Data Platform to Monitor and Enhance Bio-manufacturing Processes

15 Mar 2022
5.00-6.00pm SGT | Online


Gathering of manufacturing data is not only a regulatory obligation; analysis of data is valuable to improve profitability of production operations, augmenting quantities to address drug shortages, reducing environmental footprint and improving bio-processes.

This session discusses how an innovative digital platform for biomanufacturing data can help in:

  • Proposing statistical tools for process monitoring: outlier detection, trend evaluations
  • Elaborating Machine Learning (ML) algorithms trained on historical production data
  • Leveraging those models for identifying key parameters that influence selected endpoints
  • Applying optimization methodology to enhance the performances of the process
  • Exploring new process configurations along different merit factors (gain in performance, actionability of the impacted parameters, robustness of the prediction, compliance with registered process bounds).    

Led by:

Damien BERTRAND, Business Development Officer, DNAlytics, Belgium

With over 15 years’ experience in the life science industry, Damien has worked in various functions as project leader, innovation manager and global head of collaborations; he is now ensuring the development of DNAlytics, a Belgian company specialized in Data Sciences for Healthcare.