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United Kingdom Affiliate Committee

The UK Affiliate Committee is made up of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, Regional Chairman and elected members. In addition, members can be co-opted for other duties. All members are volunteers and as such many have to fit in their ISPE activities with full-time jobs. The UK Committee meets four times per year and oversees ISPE activities in the UK as follows:

  • Finance. The UK organization holds a Bank Account into which funds are paid and acts as a holding fund where money is required in advance to pay for deposits at regional events etc where applicable.
  • Membership. The membership records of UK members are held by the Membership secretary and updated regularly. This allows the UK organization to use up-to-date mailing list and contact members with news of events and allows members to maintain contact with fellow members.
  • Newsletter. The UK newsletter is now published three times each year. The newsletter is aimed at the UK member and gives timely news and and reviews of regional and national events. The newsletter also gives the UK members a means of contacting all other UK members with items of news or mutual interest.
  • Educational Programmes. The ISPE European Education advisor is a co-opted member of the UK committee and so the UK organization has considerable influence in the subject of educational programs and on the organization of those events, which has resulted in the European Seminars being held in the UK.
  • Local and National Activities. Although many of the events are organsied and staged locally, the co-ordination of these events is controlled at a national level to minimise overlap with other ISPE events. National events also may have local orgainsers but overall control for such events rests with the national organization.
  • Internal Liaison. Liaison with other ISPE organization is overseen nationally. As UK members sit on many International ISPE committees it is important that where possible they represent the interests of UK members. It is not possible for every UK member to lobby these international committee members so the UK committee undertakes this role on its members behalf.
  • External Liaison outside the UK. External Liaison outside the UK is undertaken by either ISPE Europe or ISPE Headquarters and it is by internal liaison with these other ISPE organizations that the UK organization influences these relationships.
  • External Liaison inside the UK. The UK organization joins in discussion with other organizations in the UK mainly in connection with joint educational programs. Also it has represented its members in discussions with external bodies in the UK such as PPMA and PEAT.

View UK Affiliate Board.