Pharmaceutical Engineering Magazine

Project Management Best Practices: Improving Schedule Using a Distributed Workforce by Mark Albano, Bruce Kane, and Robert Thomas This article...
Applying Predictive Maintenance Techniques to Utility Systems by Padraig Liggan and David Lyons This article discusses how Predictive Maintenance (PdM...
ISPE’s President and CEO: Building Member Value with a Renewed Focus on Regulatory Affairs Nancy S. Berg reflects on her first 100 days as ISPE’s new...
Accelerating the Fight Against Chickenpox and Shingles by Rochelle Runas This is a case study on Merck’s Vaccine Bulk Manufacturing Facility (VBF)...
Current Scientific Status and Regulatory Control of Traditional/Herbal Medicinal Products: Globalization Challenges by Dr. Chan Lai Wah, Sia Chong...
The Increasing Trend of Adherence Packaging and the Implications to Manufacturing by John Musaus and Mel Bahr This article presents data that...
Managing the Extended R&D Supply Chain by Petra Bielmeier and Geert Crauwels This article presents the R&D supply chain and manufacturing operations...
New ISPE President and CEO Sets the Tone for ISPE's Work Ahead Nancy S. Berg took the helm of ISPE in January as the new President and CEO. In the few...
Case Study: MedImmune’s Frederick Manufacturing Center (FMC) Expansion, Overall Winner, 2011 Facility of the Year Awards by Rochelle Runas This...
Mitigate Risk, Facilitate Project Delivery, Integrate Sustainability, and Improve Maintainability for Advanced Technology Facilities by Allan Chasey...