March / April 2023


The scientific community accepts that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions cause global warming and climate change.1

  • 1Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). “Sixth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis.” Finalized 9 August 2021.

While financial investment in novel therapies provides patients with new treatment options and improved quality of care, the pharmaceutical industry also recognizes its responsibility to transition toward more sustainable development, manufacturing, and stewardship of medicines throughout their life cycle.


As the pharmaceutical industry faces ever-changing global challenges and market forces, it must review and revise product design to ensure that quality products remain available in the marketplace while moving toward zero pollution for air, water, and soil. This article provides an introduction on how quality products can integrate sustainability by design.


Arriving in the United States at the age of 17 to pursue my dreams was one of the greatest challenges of my life. It was through this experience that I learned the importance of challenging my perspective. This was made possible through my involvement with ISPE, and four years later, I’m proud to announce the launch of Mentor ISPE.


Sustainability is a buzzword that has been tossed back and forth across industries for decades. For a while, it was seen as something that consumers didn’t really care about, but now the reality is different. According to a 2022 study, nearly 80% of consumers think about sustainability when purchasing products. Sustainability efforts can range from a specific product to an entire brand,...


2023 continues to move right along—the first quarter is almost over. I remain very optimistic about this year as ISPE International, with support from the International Board, continues to make progress on our 2023 objectives and the 2023—2025 ISPE Strategic Plan.