Media & Press Releases
29 July 2022
ISPE has been honored as the winner of a 2022 APEX Award for Publication Excellence in the Technical & Technology Writing category for the article “AI’s Promise for ATMPs” published in the November-December 2021 issue of Pharmaceutical Engineering®...
iSpeak Blog

FOYA Winners in the Supply Chain Category exemplify the novel application of process manufacturing techniques, innovative design concepts, new technologies, and unique solutions that exemplify the next generation of agile, flexible, efficient, and effective new and existing pharmaceutical and biotechnology facilities. This includes implementation of commercially available and custom developed...

iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of iSpeak Reading Roundup, are the top blog posts from June 2022. Discover key insights for cleaning validation practices, risk-based approaches to quality, and more for what the pharmaceutical industry was reading last month.

iSpeak Blog

While everyone is facing new speed to market expectations, we should consider and discuss why global regulatory barriers are increasing, why science- and risk-based strategies often mean more data are required, and why regulatory approval for new technologies and new medicines seems more challenging than ever before. We can no longer afford to delay innovation, product and process...

8 September 2022 - 8 September 2022
8 Sep 2022 5.00-6.30pm SGT | Online Hosted by: Abstract: Manufacturers are required to develop a set of control strategies to confirm their process performance and product quality. Annex 1 introduces a “Contamination Control Strategy” (CCS) approach...
The 2022 ISPE Pharma 4.0™ and Annex 1 Conference brings together leading pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical manufacturers, technology providers, academic scientists, and international regulators. At the conference, you...
iSpeak Blog

Featured in this edition of the Pharmaceutical Engineering® Online Reading Roundup are some of the many articles published about Pharma 4.0™. Now is a great time to catch up with Pharma 4.0™, especially with the upcoming 2022 ISPE Pharma 4.0™ and Annex 1 Conference in Vienna on 7–8 December.

iSpeak Blog

Pharma 4.0™ is a new category for the Facility of the Year Awards (FOYA) program. Winners in the Pharma 4.0 category embody the Pharma 4.0 concept. This includes not only implementing at least one technological innovation, but also demonstrating the ability to change the company’s culture, processes, and people orienting them towards a 4.0 future. Significant contributions include application...

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