28 June 2022 - 30 June 2022
Los objetivos de aprendizaje de este curso son: Comprender a profundidad la vía de desarrollo de los medicamentos biotecnológicos innovadores y biocomparables (biosimilares) Conocer el marco regulatorio de los productos biotecnológicos en México y...
9 June 2022 - 9 June 2022
La validación de sistemas computarizados busca garantizar que los elementos de hardware, software, elementos de red, intermedios e instrumentos funcionen correctamente, de forma permanente y reproducible, eliminando o reduciendo así el riesgo de...
The 2022 ISPE Biotechnology Conference will focus on themes to level up agility in the new normal. Register now today to learn what’s in store for the future of biopharmaceutical manufacturing, examining how companies...
iSpeak Blog

Think Tanks are meant to mobilize expertise and ideas to influence processes and procedures and help address global issues – a concept perfectly in line with the goals and mission of ISPE, the pharmaceutical industry’s largest nonprofit association committed to connecting over 20,000 peers across 90 countries. Through online and in-person forums, ISPE members can gain industry knowledge, learn...

iSpeak Blog

In 2022, supply chain challenges have been present in the news every day. Whether it is oil, computer chips, drugs, or baby formula, we have been made aware about how fragile our supply chains are and how many companies are hard at work trying to shore up current supply lines, while preparing for a better future with innovative solutions. Within our own industry, supply chain issues and...

Register for the ISPE Expert Xchange: Regulatory Summit on ICH Q9 Revision on 9 June from 1000–1330 ET to learn from and collaborate with global regulators—including members of the ICH Q9(R1) Expert Working Group. Get a...
The past two years have seen unprecedented innovations in the development and manufacturing of pharmaceuticals. Sessions, panel discussions, and workshops at the 2022 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo will provide you with...
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