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  • PSES

    Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (EPA Regulations)
  • Pseudocode

    A combination of programming language and natural language used to express a software design. If used, it is usually the last document produced prior to writing the source code.
  • Pseudogene

    A sequence of DNA that is very similar to a normal gene but that has been altered slightly so it is not expressed. Such genes were probably once functional but over time acquired one or more mutations that rendered them incapable of producing a protein product.
  • Pseudonomas Diminuta

    The bacterium used for validation of sterilizing filters. Recognized as the challenge organism for 0.2µm filters, its size is 0.3 x 0.8µm approximately. According to the HIMA (Health Industries Manufacturers Association) standard, filters must be successfully challenged to a titre of 107 per cm² to be validated as sterilizing grade 0.2µm rated.
  • PSF

    Product Specification File
  • PSG

    Pure Steam Generator
  • PSNS

    Pretreatment Standards for New Sources (EPA Regulations)
  • PSU

  • Psychotherapy Notes

    These include notes recorded by the health care provider who is a mental health professional during a counseling session, either in a private session or in a group. These notes are separate from documentation placed in the medical chart and do not include prescriptions. Specific patient authorization is required for use and disclosure of psychotherapy notes.
  • Psychrometer

    A hygrometer that uses the difference in readings between two thermometers, one having a wet bulb ventilated to cause evaporation and the other having a dry bulb, as a measure of atmospheric moisture.
  • Psychrometry

    Determination of the properties of gas-vapor mixtures. The air-water vapor system is the most commonly encountered.
  • Psychrophile

    A micro-organism that can grow at temperatures below 30°C and as low as 0°C.
  • PT

    Pertussis Toxin
  • PTC

    Process and Technology Committee (ISPE term)
  • PTFE

    Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon®)
  • PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)

    Homopolymer material of tetrafluoroethylene.
  • PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) Teflon®

    A fluoroplastic that is resistant to practically every known chemical or solvent in combination with the highest useful temperature limit of commercially available plastics. PTFE has a melt point of 620°F (327°C), a useful temperature range from -436°F (-260°C) to 500°F (260°C), high impact strength, and exceptionally low coefficient of friction. Usual processing techniques like injection molding are not possible with PTFE due to a very high molecular weight which results in a melt viscosity about 1 million times higher than is acceptable for conventional thermoplastics. PTFE resin is pressed into shapes under high pressure at room temperature and then heated to 700°F (371°C) to complete the molding (sintering process) and adjust the crystalline content.
  • PTH

    Parathyroid Hormone
  • PTK

    Protein Tyrosine Kinase
  • PTM

    Placebo to Match
  • PTM

    Post-Translational Modification
  • PTMA

  • PTMT

    Polytetramethylene Terephthalate
  • PTO

    Patent and Trademark Office (United States)
  • PTP

    Product Target Profile