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    Electronic Product Code Information Services
  • EPCM

    Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management

    Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act
  • EPD

    Environmental Product Declaration
  • EPDM

    Ethylene-Propylene-Diene monomer (Nordel®)
  • Epidemic

    A disease attacking many people in a community simultaneously; distinguished from endemic since the disease is not continuously present but has been introduced from outside.
  • Epidemiology

    A scientific discipline that studies the factors determining the causes, frequency, and distribution of diseases in a community or given population.
  • Epifluorescence

    Method of fluorescence microscopy in which the excitation light is transmitted through the objective lens onto the specimen, and the fluorescenece light is transmitted back through the objective lens to the eyepiece. (also see: Fluorescence)
  • Episome

    A genetic extrachromosomal element (e.g., the fertility factor (F) in Escherichia coli) which replicates within a cell independently of the chromosome and is able to integrate into the host chromosome. The step of integration may be governed by a variety of factors and so the term episome has lost favor and been superseded by the wider term plasmid. Plasmids and F factors are episomes.
  • Epistasis

    Interaction between genes at different loci, e.g., one gene suppresses the effect of another gene that is situated at a different locus. Suppressed genes are said to be hypostatic. Dominance is associated with members of allelic pairs, whereas epistasis is interaction among products of non-alleles.
  • Epithelium

    The layer(s) of cells between an organism or its tissues or organs and their environment (skin cells, inner linings of lungs or digestive organs, outer linings of kidneys, etc.).
  • EPL

    Effective Patent Life
  • EPM

    Ethylene-Propylene copolymer
  • EPO

    Epidemiology Program Office (CDC)
  • EPO

  • EPO (Epidemiology Program Office)

  • EPO (Erythropoietin)

    A glycoprotein hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells. It is a commercialized product of recombinant DNA technology.
  • Epoxy

    These materials are based on the reactive oxirane group, which are characterized by the attachment of one oxygen atom to two different adjacent carbon atoms. Standard epoxy resins are the reaction product of bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin. Curing of epoxy resins generally occurs at ambient temperatures and is achieved by the chemical reaction of the epoxy with a second reactant such as amines, polyamines, amine products, or other reactants. Cure can occur at higher temperatures when reacted with anhydrides, carboxylic acids, phenol or novolac (phenol-formadehyde) thermoplastic resins. These reactants are sometimes referred to as catalysts, which is a misnomer.
  • EPR

    Extended Producer Responsibility
  • EPR

    Electronic Production Record
  • EPR

    Ethylene-Propylene Rubber

    Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  • EPRS

    Electronic Production Record System
  • EPS

    Expanded Polystyrene
  • EPS

    Encapsulated Postscript