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  • ERW

    Electric Resistance-Welded (pipe)
  • Erythrocyte

    The red blood cell consisting largely of hemoglobin and carrying nearly all the oxygen contained in the blood. Erythrocytes are biconcave discs that are manufactured in the bone marrow.
  • Erythromycin

    An antibiotic that binds to the 50S subunit of prokaryotic ribosomes and inhibits translocation of mRNA along the ribosome.
  • ES

  • ES

    Electronic Signatures
  • ES


    European Society for Animal Cell Technology
  • ESCA

    Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis
  • ESCA (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis)

  • Escape Medication

    (also see: Rescue Medication)
  • Escherichia Coli (E. Coli)

    A relatively harmless human intestinal bacterium. Laboratory strains of these bacteria have been kept for many years and are commonly used in the production of recombinant proteins.
  • Escherichia Coli (E. Coli)

    A fast growing, Gram-negative bacteria commonly found in the body with a comparatively simple structure. The genetic make up of E. coli is the best known of any organism, having been widely studied during the development of genetic engineering. It has been used extensively as the host cell for novel proteins made by rDNA technology.
  • ESD

    Electrostatic Discharge
  • ESDI

    Enhanced Small Device Interface
  • ESE

    Emulsion Solvent Evaporation
  • ESM

    Electronic Secure Mail (CBER)
  • ESP

    Electronic Submissions Program (FDA)
  • ESPM

    Energy Star Portfolio Manager (EPA)
  • Essential Amino Acids

    An amino acid that cannot be synthesized by animals and therefore has to be ingested with feed or food.
  • Essential drugs

    Those that satisfy the health care needs of the majority of the population. Each country may generate its own list of essential drugs.
  • Essential Element

    Any of a number of elements required by living organisms to ensure normal growth, development and maintenance.
  • Essential Fatty Acids

    The group of polyunsaturated fatty acids of plants required in the human diet.
  • EST

    Expressed Sequence Tag
  • EST (Expressed Sequence Tag)

  • Establishment License Application (ELA)

    Submitted concurrently with the Product License Application (PLA), the ELA provides data demonstrating the acceptability of the facilities and personnel for manufacturing the protein pharmaceutical.