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  • CFU

    Colony Forming Unit
  • CFU (Colony Forming Unit)

    A measure of the number of bacteria present in the environment or on the surfaces of an aseptic processing room; measured as part of qualification and ongoing monitoring. Also applied to the testing of purified water samples.
  • CGA

    Compressed Gas Association
  • CGAP

    Cancer Genome Anatomy Project
  • CGD

    Chronic Granulomatous Disease
  • CGI

    Common Gateway Interface
  • CGL

    Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia
  • cGLP

    current Good Laboratory Practice
  • cGMP

  • cGMP

    current Good Manufacturing Practice (FDA)
  • cGMPR

    current Good Manufacturing Practices Regulations
  • cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices)

    Current design and operating practices developed by the pharmaceutical industry to meet FDA requirements as published in the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Title 21, Parts 210 and 211.
  • cGMPs (current Good Manufacturing Practices)

    Current accepted standards of design, operation, practice, and sanitization. The FDA is empowered to inspect drug-manufacturing plants in which drugs are processed, manufactured, packaged, and stored for compliance with these standards.
  • CGPM

    General Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférence général des poids et mesures)
  • CGS (ORA)

    Contracts and Grants Staff (ORA)
  • CGSB

    Canadian General Standards Board
  • cGTP

    current Good Tissue Practice
  • CH

    Clinical Hold
  • Challenge Agent

    A medicinal product that is administered to a clinical trial participant to produce a physiological response that is necessary to assess the pharmacological action of the IMP.
  • Challenge Testing

    Testing to check system behavior under abnormal conditions. Can include stress testing and deliberate challenges, for example to the security access system, the data formatting rules, the possible combinations of operator actions, etc.

    Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Change Advisory Board (CAB)

    (ITIL®) A group of people who can give expert advice to change management on the implementation of changes. This board is likely to be made up of representatives from all areas within IT and representatives from business units.
  • Change Advisory Board Emergency Committee (CAB-EC)

    (ITIL®) Group empowered to endorse emergency changes to a computer system when it is not feasible to convene the full CAB.
  • Change Advisory Board Emergency Committee (CAB-EC)

    (ITIL®) Group empowered to endorse emergency changes to a computer system when it is not feasible to convene the full CAB.
  • Change Control

    A formal system by which qualified representatives of appropriate disciplines review proposed or actual changes which might affect a validated status.