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  • Antibodies

    Also known as immunoglobulins (Igs), are proteins that help identify foreign substances to the immune system, such as a bacteria or a virus. Antibodies work by binding to the foreign substance to mark it as foreign. The substance that the antibody binds to is called antigen. All monoclonal antibodies of a particular type bind to the same antigen, which distinguishes them from polyclonal antibodies.
  • Antibody

    An immunological protein (called an immunoglobulin, Ig) produced by certain white blood cells (lymphocytes) of the immune system of an organism in response to a contact with a foreign substance (antigen). Such an immunological protein has the ability of specifically binding with the foreign substance and rendering it harmless. The basic immunoglobulin molecule consists of two identical heavy and two identical light chains.
  • Antibody (Ab)

    A modified protein molecule present in the blood serum or plasma (and other body fluids), whose activity is associated chiefly with gamma globulin. Produced by the immune system in response to exposure to a foreign substance, it is the body’s protective mechanism against infection and disease. An antibody is characterized by a structure complementary to the foreign substance, the antigen that provokes its formation, and is thus capable of binding specifically to the foreign substance to neutralize it.
  • Antibody Structure

    Antibodies have a well-defined structure. Each antibody has two identical “light” chains and two identical “heavy” chains. Each chain comprises a constant region, i.e., a region that is the same between antibodies of the same class and sub-class, and a variable region that differs between. The antigen-binding region or binding site – complementarity determining region – is in the variable region. The antibody can be cut by proteases into several fragments, known as Fab, Fab', and Fc.
  • Anticodon

    Triplet of nucleotide bases in transfer RNA that pairs with (is complementary to) a triplet in messenger RNA. For example, if the codon is UCG, the anticodon is AGC.
  • Antidote

    An agent that neutralizes a poison or counteracts its effects.
  • Antifoam Agent

    A chemical added to the fermentation broth to reduce surface tension and counteract the foaming (bubbles) that can be caused by mixing, sparging, or stirring.
  • Antigen (Ag)

    Any of various foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, endotoxins, exotoxins, foreign proteins, pollen, and vaccines, whose entry into an organism induces an immune response (antibody production, lymphokine production, or both) directed specifically against that molecule. Response may be demonstrable by means of an increased reaction, as in hypersensitivity (usually protein or a complex of protein and polysaccharide, or occasionally a polysaccharide of high molecular weight), a circulating antibody that reacts with the antigen, or some degree of immunity to infectious disease if the antigen was a microorganism or its products.
  • Antigenic Determinant

  • Antigenicity

    The capacity of a substance to function as an antigen – to trigger an immune response.
  • Antineoplastic

    Inhibiting or preventing development of neoplasms; checking maturation and proliferation of malignant cells.
  • Antineoplastic Drug

    Chemotherapeutic agent that down regulates growth or kills cancer cells. May be classified as cytotoxic or Cytostatic.
  • Antioxidant

    Compound that slows the rate of oxidation reactions.
  • Antisense

    The non-coding strand in double-stranded DNA. The antisense strand serves as the template for mRNA synthesis.
  • Antiseptic

    (USP <1072>) An agent that inhibits or destroys microorganisms on living tissue including skin, oral cavities, and open wounds.
  • Antiseptic

    Acting against sepsis. An antiseptic agent is one that has been formulated for use on living tissue such as mucous membranes or skin to prevent or inhibit growth or action of organisms. Antiseptics should not be used to decontaminate inanimate objects.
  • Antiserum

    The blood serum obtained from an animal after has been immunized with a particular antigen. It contains antibodies specific for that antigen as well as antibodies specific for any other antigens with which the animal has previously been immunized. Antisera are used to confer passive immunity to many diseases.
  • Antistatic

    Reducing static electric charges by retaining enough moisture to provide electrical conduction.
  • Antistatic Cleaners

    Liquid cleaners that enhance surface conductivity of cleanroom tabletops, workstations, and other surfaces.
  • Antitoxin

    An antibody that is capable of neutralizing the specific toxin that stimulated its production in the body. Antitoxins are produced in animals for medical purposes by injection of a toxin or toxoid, with the resulting serum being used to counteract the toxin in other individuals.

    National Health Surveillance Agency (Brazil)
  • Anwender (GAMP)

  • Anwender-Lastenheft (ALH), (GAMP)


    Australia New Zealand Food Authority
  • anzuwendende (geltende) Vorschriften