ISPE Training BOGO


This course is focused on how to be compliant in the design, operation & qualification of critical utilities and how to prove it. It comprises four modules including interactive case studies from real experience. This helps the participants to experience live discussions on compliance topics. The....
This course will cover the principles of design and operation of water systems used directly in pharmaceutical manufacturing and laboratory applications, including the essential concepts and principles of systems used to generate USP and non-compendial waters. These concepts include specification....
This course has been substantially updated to feature the guiding principles of the ISPE Baseline Guide: Water and Steam Systems (Second Edition) with particular emphasis placed upon microbial control and laboratory water as well as key design philosophies. The principles of design and operation of....
This course will explore the essential concepts and principles of specification, design, commissioning/qualification of equipment and systems used to store and distribute water in pharmaceutical manufacturing. The course has been substantially updated to feature the guiding principles of the ISPE....