Jennifer Clark

VP, Sales and Account Relationship Management
Jennifer Lauria Clark, CPIP is Vice President, Sales and Account Relationship Management for CAI, where she is responsible for business development project engineering, commissioning and qualification planning, protocol development and execution, project startup and coordination, among other duties. Previously she held positions at Yonkers Industries where she provided services for Merck, BD, GSK, Biogen and others. Jennifer Lauria Clark has been a Member of ISPE for more than 19 years and actively involved in the Society's local and international activities. She is Past President of the ISPE CaSA Chapter, is a member and Past Chair of ISPE’s Emerging Leaders Committee, and a past member of ISPE’s Pharmaceutical Engineering Committee. Currently Jennifer Lauria Clark is the Chair of the International Women in Pharma team and is the chair of the 2020 Annual Meeting Planning Committee. She was also an active student Member of ISPE and held progressive roles in her Student Chapter’s Board and has been serving ISPE’s Membership on the International Board of Directors since November 2012. She has a degree in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University. Jennifer Lauria Clark earned her CPIP designation in 2012. She is also currently working on her MBA from NC State Jenkins School of Management.