iSpeak Blog

The very definition of gratitude seems lovely – be thankful, show appreciation and return kindness.

16 June 2022 - 16 June 2022
The Third Stage of Product Life Cycle: What You Should Know About Cleaning Validation Maintenance The recent shift from traditional validation to a multi-staged life cycle approach emphasizes the requirement for scientifically sound decisions in the...
23 March 2022 - 23 March 2022
Women In Pharma Virtual Book Club - #BreakTheBias 23 Mar 2022 5.00-6.00pm SGT | Online Register
iSpeak Blog

Every year, the world rallies together on March 8th in support of International Women’s Day. This year, the movement is diving into the importance of creating a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. Below, two members of ISPE’s Women in Pharma Steering Committee share their perspective on biases, and how they navigated these experiences throughout their careers:

9 March 2022 - 9 March 2022
Hi There Emerging Leader or Professional! Looking for a LinkedIn Boost and curious to learn about different job functions in the pharma industry? Join this free ISPE Nordic Affiliate online event! First, we will provide tips, tricks and know-how...
iSpeak Blog

The Women in Pharma Steering Committee Discuss Biases for International Women’s Day

Looking back on my career, I can honestly say, with a genuine smile, that, I am completely satisfied. I want for nothing, and for that I am overwhelmingly grateful and incredibly proud.

The first publication of Annex 1 can be traced back to 1971 where it then described the foundational elements to ensure sterility of commercialized medicinal products. Since that time Annex 1 has undergone a number of...
Come and learn how pharmaceutical companies have responded to the recent operational impediments. Two case studies will be highlighting the challenges of project execution last year, and how their firms overcame them...
iSpeak Blog

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the biopharma industry megatrends and the world in ways that could not have been predicted. As a result, it forced world leaders, global economists, innovators, and suppliers to collaborate, rethink outdated processes, and innovate together to combat the virus for one common goal, to save human lives. It was by far a pinnacle moment and a great...

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