ISPE Announces Featured Speakers and a Focus on Digital Innovation for the 2024 ISPE Biotechnology Conference

14 May, 2024

The 2024 ISPE Biotechnology Conference will occur on 17-18 June in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and virtually .

North Bethesda, Maryland, 8 May, 2024 – ISPE has announced featured speakers and a focus on digital innovation for the 2024 ISPE Biotechnology Conference.

The focus on integrating new technologies and pioneering strategies aligns with ISPE’s commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends. The conference provides a unique platform for engaging with a wide array of professionals hailing from the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical sectors, encompassing manufacturers, technological specialists, academic researchers, and global regulatory authorities.

The conference is poised to be a transformative event, providing an in-depth examination of pivotal domains and advancements in biotechnology that are defining the future trajectory of our industry.

This year’s conference will delve into essential topics situated at the nexus of innovation and regulation, including:

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Gain insights into how AI is revolutionizing biotech manufacturing processes, particularly in emerging fields such as ATMPs and gene therapy

Data Science-Assisted Tech Transfer: Discover the role of data science in streamlining biopharmaceutical technology transfer while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards

Sustainability: Explore strategies for enhancing environmental sustainability within the biopharmaceutical industry, in alignment with global benchmarks.

Quality and Regulatory: Gain an understanding of the significance of digitalized quality management in upholding regulatory compliance and ensuring the reliability of the supply chain

Novel Technology Innovations: Explore cutting-edge advancements in biopharmaceutical manufacturing that meet stringent regulatory criteria.

Lifecycle Strategies: Discuss strategies for expediting commercialization and refining product life cycle management

Facility Design: Examine trends and regulatory mandates in biopharmaceutical facility design to ensure adherence to industry standards

Featured speakers include: 

Sharmista Chatterjee, PhD
Division Director
Francesco Cicirello
Senior Director, Quality Compliance BioNTainer
BioNTech US Inc.
Rene-Pascal Fischer
Scientist & Software Architect
Fraunhofer IESE
Robert S. Langer, PhD
Institute Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Piper Trelstad, PhD
Head of Chemistry, Manufacturing & Controls
Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute

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