Women in Pharma® Ireland: 2022 Reflection on The New Normal

17 February, 2023

2022 saw us navigate from the COVID-19 pandemic to the post-pandemic era as we adjusted to a new hybrid way of living and working. This was true too for the ISPE Ireland Affiliate’s Women in Pharma® activities as we evolved from a full virtual realm to our much-missed social face-to-face events.

Conference attendees
Virtual Platform for Hybrid Conference

Women in Pharma® Ireland Affiliate

Miss Emma Beglin
Principal Scientist

We kicked off the year by developing our technical expertise, hosting a webinar on effective quality systems in February, alongside the ISPE Ireland Affiliate’s main committee,. We had over 80 attendees globally, ensuring key learnings were brought together from all corners of the world.

In recognition of International Women’s Day in March, Women in Pharma Ireland’s very own Regina Mulhall, reaffirmed our pillar of diversity, equity, inclusion, through a panel discussion following by a Q&A session on “Championing Diversity to Break the Bias”. This male and female panel discussed difficulties of stereotypical gender biases in the workplace and insights / advise on how to action. Discussion also included the “new normal” working environment post-pandemic and the requirement for organisations to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in their policies and culture.

In celebration of Women in Engineering Day in June, the Women in Pharma committee collaborated with the Emerging Leaders committee to launch a podcast on the ISPE Ireland Affiliate website. The Director of Operations in WuXi, Ireland was expertly hosted by our very own Emerging Leaders committee providing insights on her very successful career path.

In Autumn, we were finally in a position to move back to our in-person events. Executive coach, Lucy Gernon, provided us with a Masterclass on how we can be more successful, balanced, and happy at work and in life. A key success of this personable event was being able to break out into small discussion groups.

In parallel with the afore mentioned events, the Irish Women in Pharma committee also ran a number of Mentoring Circles, the focus of which were to empower and enable successful professional development for our members.

Up and coming for 2023, ISPE’s Women in Pharma, alongside the ISPE Ireland Affiliate’s main committee will run several events and initiatives throughout the year on technical and career advancement topics as well as launching new Mentoring Circles.

Please ensure you add our 2023 Ireland Affiliate Women in Pharma events to your calendar:

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