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  • Petri Dish

    Flat round dish with a matching lid, made of glass or plastic material, and used for culturing organisms. Also known as plates, hence the term to “plate” a culture)
  • Petrolatum

    White petrolatum is a purified mixture of semi-solid hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. It is a common base or carrier for ointments. It can be sterile filtered at elevated temperatures.
  • PEV

    Porcine Enterovirus
  • PF

  • PFA

    Perfluoroalkoxy resin (Teflon®)
  • PFA [Perfluoroalkoxy resin (Teflon®)]

    Copolymer of perfluoroalkoxy and tetrafluoroethylene.
  • PFC

    Power Factor Correction
  • PFD

    Process Flow Diagram
  • PFF

    Phenol Furfural
  • PFI

    Pipe Fabrication Institute
  • PFU

    Plaque Forming Unit
  • PG

  • PGR

    Particle Generation Rate
  • pH

    A means of expressing hydrogen ion concentration in terms of the powers of 10; the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. This is a measure of whether the water is acidic or basic. pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in the water.
  • pH

    The negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration, is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a water-based solution. The more hydrogen ions that are present, the lower the pH and the more acidic the solution.
  • pH

    The pH value of an aqueous solution is a number describing its acidity or alkalinity. A pH is the negative logarithm (base 10) of the concentration of hydrogen ions (equivalent per liter). The pH value of a neutral solution is 7. An acidic solution has a pH less than 7, while a basic solution has a pH greater than 7, up to 14.
  • pH

    The negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration, is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in a water-based solution. The more hydrogen ions that are present, the lower the pH and the more acidic the solution.
  • Ph. Eur.

    European Pharmacopeia
  • PHA

    Preliminary Hazard Analysis

    Phytohemogglutinin Lymphocyte-Conditioned Medium

    Phytohemagglutinin-stimulated Leukocyte-Conditioned Medium
  • Phage

    A virus for which the natural host is a bacterial cell.
  • Phagocyte

    A cell that engulfs foreign particles from its surroundings by a process called phagocytosis. The cell releases hydrolytic enzymes from intracellular bodies called lysosomes that partially digest the foreign particle, after which it is further degraded in the phagocyte cytoplasm.
  • Pharma Industry

    Synonyms: Life Science Industry, Bio Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutical Industry.
  • Pharmaceutical

    Relating to the use and/or manufacture of medical drugs or compounds used to diagnose, treat or prevent a medical condition.