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  • FSA

    Food Standards Agency
  • FSC

    Facilities Subcommittee (ISPE term)

    Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
  • FT

    Fourier Transform Mass Analyzers
  • FTA

    Fault Tree Analysis
  • FTC

    Federal Trade Commission

    Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance
  • FTIR

    Fourier Transform Infrared (spectroscopy)
  • FTP

    File Transfer Protocol
  • Full Backup

    A full backup is the starting point for all other backups and is a complete backup of all system files irrespective of whether they have changed or not. A full backup takes a longer time to perform than incremental and differential backups and requires the largest amount of storage space. For this reasonin most organizations, full backups are generally completed on a weekly or monthly schedule.
  • Full Board Review

    Review of proposed research at a convened meeting at which a majority of the membership of the IRB is present, including at least one member whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas. For the research to be approved, it must receive the approval of a majority of those members present at the meeting. 45CFR46.108
  • Full Duplex

  • Full Flooded Volume

    The maximum volume that can be contained within a vessel geometry. In a vertical vessel, this would include the volume in the top head.
  • Full Penetration (weld)

    A weld joint is said to be fully penetrated when the depth of the weld extends from its face into the weld joint so that the joint is fully fused. For a tube-to-tube weld, no unfused portions of the weld joint shall be visible on the inside diameter of a fully penetrated weld.
  • Fume Hoods

    Units that collect fumes from chemicals, solvents, acids, and other hazardous materials. Hoods may include HEPA filters if powders are present, or carbon filters to filter fumes from the work surface and return cleaned air to the room. Most fume hoods are 100% exhausted to outdoors. A glass, Plexiglas™ or acrylic front panel may be included for worker safety.
  • Fumigation

    The use of toxic gases, smoke or vapors for the purpose of destroying pests.
  • Function

    (ISO) A mathematical entity whose value, namely, the value of the dependent variable, depends in a specified manner on the values of one or more independent variables, with not more than one value of the dependent variable corresponding to each permissible combination of values from the respective ranges of the independent variables.
  • Function

    A specific purpose of an entity, or its characteristic action.
  • Function

    In data communication, a machine action such as carriage return or line feed.
  • Functional (or Schematic) Design

    The functional design stage generates the design documents to be used as a framework for the detailed design process.. These documents include site plans, floor plans, process and material flow diagrams, air flow diagrams and HVAC schedules, and electrical one-line diagrams.
  • Functional Analysis

    (IEEE) Verifies that each safety-critical software requirement is covered and that an appropriate criticality level is assigned to each software element.
  • Functional Configuration Audit

    (IEEE) An audit conducted to verify that the development of a configuration item has been completed satisfactorily, that the item has achieved the performance and functional characteristics specified in the functional or allocated configuration identification, and that its operational and support documents are complete and satisfactory. See: physical configuration audit.
  • Functional Decomposition

  • Functional Description

    A written description of what a system is to do with sequence of operation relating activities to Critical Parameters (Why the system does what it does for GMP reasons). A non-GMP system should also have a functional specification to aid designers and software development.
  • Functional Design (1)

    (IEEE) The process of defining the working relationships among the components of a system. See: architectural design.