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  • Adenovirus

    A group of DNA viruses which cause diseases in animals. In man, they produce acute respiratory tract infections with symptoms resembling common cold. They are used in gene cloning, as vectors for expressing large amounts of recombinant proteins in animal cells. They are also used to make live-virus vaccines against more dangerous pathogens.
  • ADFF

    Alternate Dosage Form Facility
  • ADH

    Antidiuretic Hormone
  • ADI

    Acceptable Daily Intake
  • Adiabatic

    No heat transfer occurs to or from the environment surrounding the sample, including the sample container.
  • Adjuvant

    A substance added to a drug product formulation that affects the action of the active ingredient in a predictable way.In immunology: a vehicle used to enhance Antigenicity.
  • Adjuvant Therapy

    Therapy provided to enhance the effect of a primary therapy; auxiliary therapy.
  • ADME

    Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion

    Associate Director for Medical and International Affairs (CBER)
  • ADP

    Adenosine Diophosphate
  • ADR

    Adverse Drug Reaction
  • ADR

    Adverse Drug Report
  • ADR

    Authorized Distributor of Record

    Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee (TGA)
  • ADRP

    Association of Donor Recruitment Professionals
  • ADRS

    Adverse Drug Reporting System
  • ADSE

    Atmospheric Dust Spot Efficiency (filter test)
  • ADSL

    Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
  • Adsorption

    Adhesion of the molecules of a gas, liquid or dissolved substance to a surface because of chemical or electrical attraction - typically accomplished with granular activated carbon to remove dissolved organics and chlorine. The attachment of charged particles to the chemically active groups on the surface and in the pores of an ion exchanger.
  • Adsorption

    Nonspecific adherence of molecules in solution or suspension to cells, particles, or other molecules.
  • Adsorption

    Adherence of molecules in solution or suspension to cells or other molecules – or to solid surfaces, such as chromatography media.

    Animal Drug User Fee Act of 2003
  • ADV

  • AdvaMed

    Advanced Medical Technology Association
  • Adventitious

    A structure arising at sites other than the usual ones, e.g., shoots from roots or leaves, and embryos from any cell other than a zygote.