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  • At Rest

    HVAC room condition when unmanned, and without machinery operating.
  • At Rest (Cleanroom)

    Condition where the installation is complete with equipment installed and operating in a manner agreed upon by the customer and supplier, but with no personnel present.
  • At-Line

    In water monitoring systems. (also see: Off-Line)
  • At-Rest (Cleanroom)

    European Community (EC) defines “at rest” state as “the condition where the installation is complete with production equipment installed and operating but with no operating personnel present”. The Medicines Inspectorate, however, further clarifies, “It should normally be taken to mean that ventilation systems are operating and other equipment is present in an operational condition but not in use”.
  • Ataxia-Telangiectasia

    A rare fatal disease involving a damaged immune system, unsteady walk, premature aging, and a strong predisposition to some kinds of cancer. People who possess only one copy of the gene, called ATM, do not have the disease, but may be predisposed to cancer and unusually sensitive to radiation.
  • ATC

    Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (Drug Classification System) (WHO)
  • ATCC

    American Type Culture Collection
  • ATF

    Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (United States Department of Justice)
  • ATH

    Aluminum Trihydrate
  • Atherosclerosis

    A specific type of arteriosclerosis, but the terms are often used interchangeably. Atherosclerosis refers to the buildup of fats in and on artery walls (plaques), which can restrict blood flow. These plaques can also burst, causing a blood clot. Although atherosclerosis is often considered a heart problem, it can affect arteries anywhere in the body. Atherosclerosis is a preventable and treatable condition.
  • Athymic

    A type of laboratory mouse that is hairless, lacks a normal thymus gland, and has a defective immune system because of a genetic mutation. Athymic, nude mice are often used in cancer research because they do not reject tumor cells, from mice or other species.
  • Atmospheric Dewpoint

    This term refers to what the dewpoint would be if fully depressurized to atmospheric conditions (1013 mbar at either 15 or 20 °C (59 or 68 °F).(also see: Pressure Dewpoint)
  • Atmospheric Tank

    (NFPA 30) A storage tank that has been designed to operate at pressures from atmospheric through 0.5 psig (3.4 kPa) measured at the top of the tank.
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

    A highly sensitive instrumental technique for identifying and measuring metals in water.
  • ATP

    Adenosine Triphosphate
  • ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

    A nucleotide of fundamental importance as a carrier of chemical energy in all living organisms. It consists of adenosine with three phosphate groups, linked together linearly. The phosphates are attached to adenosine through its ribose (sugar) portion. Upon hydrolysis, bonds yield either one molecule of ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and an inorganic phosphate, or one molecule of AMP (adenosine monophosphate) and pyrophosphate; in both cases releasing energy that is used to power biological processes. ATP is regenerated by rephosphorilation of AMP and ADP, using chemical energy derived from the oxidation of food.
  • ATPA

    American Technology Pre-Eminence Act of 1991
  • ATPM

    Association of Teachers and Preventive Medicine
  • ATPM

    Association of Teachers and Preventive Medicine
  • ATS (CDER)

    Applied Technologies Staff (CDER)

    Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC)
  • Attenuated

    Weakened (attenuated) viruses often used as vaccines; they can no longer produce disease but still stimulate strong immune response similar to the natural virus. Examples include oral polio, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines.
  • Attenuated Vaccine

    A virulent organism that has been modified to produce a less virulent form, but nevertheless retains the ability to elicit antibodies against the virulent form.
  • Attribution

    Attribution is the process of deciding the likelihood that the adverse event is related to (or resulting from) the research. The PI must determine whether an adverse event is “unrelated”, “possibly related”, “probably related”, or “definitely related” to the study intervention or treatment. Attribution must be determined by the reporting investigator and verified by the principal investigator (The reporting investigator may, or may not be, the principal investigator).
  • Audit

    (of a clinical trial). A systematic and independent examination of trial-related activities and documents to determine whether the evaluated trial-related activities were conducted, and the data were recorded, analyzed, and accurately reported according to the protocol, sponsor’s standard operating procedures (SOPs), good clinical practice (GCP), and the applicable regulatory requirement(s).