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  • Artificial Chromosome

    Synthesized DNA in chromosomal form for use as an expression vector.
  • Artificial Insemination

    The deposition of semen, using a syringe, at the mouth of the uterus to make conception possible. It is used in the breeding of domestic animals.
  • ARV

    Avian Reovirus
  • AS

    Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • AS

    Aortic Stenosis
  • As Built

    (NIST) Pertaining to an actual configuration of software code resulting from a software development project.
  • As-Built

    (NIST) Pertaining to an actual configuration of software code resulting from a software development project.
  • As-Built (Cleanroom)

    Condition where the installation is complete with all services connected and functioning but with no production equipment, materials or personnel present.
  • As-Built Drawings (Record Drawings)

    Construction drawings and specifications that represent the physical condition of the plant or system at turnover from the designer or installer at satisfactory operation. These documents supplement and compliment the system manuals and protocols.
  • ASA

    Arginine Succinate
  • ASA

    American Society of Anesthesiologists
  • ASA

    American Statistical Association
  • ASA

    Aspirin Acetylsalicylic Acid
  • ASA

    Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate
  • ASAP

    as soon as possible

    Armed Services Blood Program Office
  • ASC

    Adhesive and Sealant Council
  • ASC

    Advertising Standards Council (Canada)
  • ASC

    Antibody-Secreting Cells
  • ASCB

    American Society for Cell Biology
  • ASCE

    American Society of Civil Engineers

    American Standard Code for Information Interchange (computer files)
  • ASCO

    American Society for Clinical Oncology
  • Ascomycetes

    A family of fungi marked by long spore-containing cells. Form sexual spores called ascospores, which are contained within a sac (a capsule structure). Ergot, truffles, some molds of the genera Neurospora and Aspergillus, and yeasts belong to this category.
  • Ascorbic Acid; Vitamin C

    (C6H8O6) A water-soluble vitamin present naturally in some plants, and also synthetically produced. Aside from its role as a vitamin, it is used as an antioxidant in plant tissue culture; and included in disinfection solutions.