Learning Level: Basic -

In a fireside chat format our speakers will discuss their vision of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain in the next 3 to 5 years as the Pandemic and other factors accelerate change. Understanding the drivers of change and how companies will manage risk in the future will impact how we do our jobs. Participants will have an increased awareness of where the industry is going and what to expect - so that proactive strategies can be employed now.

Learning Objectives

  1. How different will the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain be in the future? 
  2. What are the key drivers of change? 
  3. What should we be thinking about now to be prepared for a post pandemic, risk managed future?
Illustration of the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

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Nick Davies
Verta Life Science
Mr. Peter T. Bigelow
XCell Strategic Consulting, LLC
Robert Handfield, PhD
Supply Chain Resource Cooperative, Poole College of Management
North Carolina State University
Douglas Bryans, PhD
Founder & CEO
Bryllan LLC
Gary Gamerman
Seraphim Life Sciences Consulting, LLC
Roddy Martin
Chief Digital Transformation Officer
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