Webinar Series

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Power and Led By Women in Pharma ® Complimentary Learning Level: Basic Session Length: 1 hour Women tend to take on responsibilities that add to their plate but very rarely lead to a promotion, raise or basic recognition...
Complimentary Learning Level: Basic Session Length: 1 hour Managing compliant documentation in the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry requires significant effort and can be challenging for many organizations. At...
Complimentary Learning Level: Basic/Intermediate Session Length: 1 hour While biotherapeutics is one of the fastest growing sectors in life sciences today, the tech transfer process can still take many years. Regulatory...
Complimentary Learning Level: Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Session Length: 1 hour The ISPE Process Analytical Technology (PAT) & Lifecycle Control Strategy (LCS) Steering Committee would like to engage the PAT & LCS...
Extended Learning Learning Level: Intermediate Session Length: 1.5 hours The Control Strategy becomes more and more important and many different control strategies must be in place to secure robust manufacturing...
Complimentary Learning Level: Intermediate Session Length: 1 hour As the volume of data within your operations continues to grow, it becomes increasingly difficult to integrate, manage and govern this data. For many...
Learning Level: Intermediate Session Length: 1.5 hours The pressure points of the COVID-19 pandemic have been an unprecedented challenge for the pharmaceutical industry and generated a global spotlight on supply...
Learning Level: Beginner/Intermediate Session Length: 1 hour Did you know that more than 80% of equipment failures in manufacturing are caused by human error or adverse operating conditions rather than time-based wear...
Learning Level: Beginner/Intermediate Session Length: 1 hour One of the major challenges for the industry today is designing digital “value creation” systems for sustainability. Sustainability requires balancing economic...
Learning Level: Beginner/Intermediate Session Length: 1 hour The pandemic was a unique time in our industry where there was a perfect storm of need, money, collaboration, and trial patients all available in abundance. ...