Webinar Series

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Complimentary Learning Level: Advanced Session Length: 2 hours In the early 2010s, there were several scandals with adulterated drugs compounded in pharmacies. Hundreds of patients were infected and several of them died...
Complimentary Learning Level: Intermediate Session Length: 1 hour Quality Risk Management (QRM) and Knowledge Management (KM) are positioned as dual enablers to an effective Pharmaceutical Quality System. While there is...
Complimentary Learning Level: Intermediate Session Length: 1 hour Cognitive diversity is the inclusion of people who have different ways of thinking, different viewpoints and different skill sets in a team or business...
Complimentary Learning Level: Intermediate Session Length: 60 minutes Health authorities and regulators are increasingly looking for much higher levels traceability during the manufacture of parenteral medicines. The...
Complimentary Learning Level: Intermediate Session Length: 60 minutes Based on the new ISPE GAMP Data Integrity by Design Guide, this webinar will examine the underlying concepts around designing data integrity into your...
Complimentary Learning Level: Basic/Intermediate How efficient is your cleaning verification or validation monitoring program? How confident are you that your cleaning method adequately removes all degradants and...
Complimentary Learning Level: Advanced Digital Twin, Data-based Quality Control, Performance Dashboards, etc. The era of digitalization has begun, and we just started understanding some of the winnings. The latest...
Complimentary Learning Level: Intermediate Risk Assessments are a core part of regulatory compliance, but many lab organizations struggle to properly scale their Computerized System Validation (CSV) activities based on...
Learning Level: Intermediate Over the last several decades, the complexity of the pharmaceutical industry has increased immensely. Today, large pharmaceutical companies deal with higher product volumes, more diverse SKUs...
Learning Level: Basic/Intermediate - Analytical laboratories are required to demonstrate the suitability of their equipment during audits and will typically follow USP requirements defined in Chapter 1058> on analytical...