Guidance Document Teams

A Special Thank You to Guidance Document Team Members

ISPE would like to express our considerable appreciation and sincere thanks to the individuals who have freely given their valuable time and expertise to help produce the ISPE family of Guidance Documents.

During the 20 years in which ISPE has been publishing guidance, dedicated volunteers have contributed their worldwide experience and knowledge to produce guidance which benefits the entire global pharmaceutical community. Volunteer reviewers from both industry and regulatory agencies also have provided real-world commentary on drafts, helping to enhance guidance content. Their contributions continue to be fundamental in maintaining and enhancing the relevance and quality of all ISPE Guidance Documents.

We hope that the entire ISPE membership will join us in recognizing the enormous efforts made by these volunteers so that they can receive the recognition they truly deserve for their indispensable contributions.

The ISPE Guidance Document Development Teams represent participation from numerous pharmaceutical specialties and all regions of the global pharmaceutical community. The following is the list of volunteers, from 2011 to the present.

Note: Company affiliations current at time of guidance document publication.

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