Sion Wyn, Director, Conformity Ltd., is an acknowledged expert in computer system validation and compliance, data integrity, electronic records and signatures, and international regulations in this field. He assisted the FDA as a consultant with its re-examination of 21 CFR Part 11 and was a member of the core team that produced the FDA Guidance on 21 CFR Part 11 Scope and Application. He received the FDA Group Recognition Award for work on Part 11. Wyn was co-lead of the GAMP5 Guide - A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems, Second Edition, and the ISPE GAMP Guide - Record and Data Integrity, and is a member of the ISPE GAMP Global Steering Committee, and GAMP Editorial Board. Wyn received the 2006 ISPE Professional Achievement Award, which honours an ISPE Member who has made a significant contribution to the pharmaceutical industry. He received the ISPE UK Fellow Award in 2016.
This article describes a practical and pragmatic approach to the management of computerized system life cycle and information technology (IT) process records. The objective is to effectively achieve and maintain compliant GxP-regulated systems that are fit for intended use, and to support patient safety, product quality, and data integrity.
Computer software assurance (CSA) has been discussed widely in industry over the past five years. While the principles are well understood and welcomed, until now some of the practical detail on how exactly to implement CSA into an organization has been missing.
ISPE’s GAMP® 5: A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant GxP Computerized Systems (Second Edition) (GAMP® 5 Guide, 2nd Edition) maintains the principles and framework of the first edition and updates their application in the modern world, including the increased importance of service providers, evolving approaches to software development, and expanded use of software tools and...
This article explores life-cycle activities for machine learning (ML) within regulated life sciences. It positions and contextualizes the life cycle and management of the machine learning subsystem or components within a wider system life cycle. It also gives general descriptions and guidance illustrated by a case study demonstrating a machine learning application to medical image recognition,...
GAMP® 5 Second Edition is here! Since its publication, GAMP® 5 has been far and away the leading international guidance on GxP computerized systems validation and compliance, and it was time to update our guidance to...