Igor Gorsky, BS

ValSource Inc.
Principal Consultant
Igor Gorsky is a Principal Consultant at ValSource. Igor’s more than 40 years of experience as a pharmaceutical industry professional include multiple positions at Alpharma, Wyeth, and Shire. He has worked in production, quality assurance, manufacturing science and technology, and validation, includ-ing as a Director of Global Pharmaceutical Technology at Shire, where he oversaw global validation efforts. His accomplishments include validation of all aspects of pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device production and quality management. He has published over 50 articles and white papers in global professional magazines, some which were translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Hindi. He is the author of two books on pharmaceutical scale-up and process validation. He is a co-author of global ASTM and PDA guidance documents. He also provided training to WHO and PIC/S inspectors. He is currently an ad-hoc member of the ASTM E55 Executive Committee.