11 June 2024 - 11 June 2024
Demystifying Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) 11 Jun 2024 5.30-6.30pm SGT | Online Abstract: The AI revolution is unfolding before our eyes, with widespread impact across industries, applications, and occupations. The way we work, learn, and live is...
iSpeak Blog

Through the ISPE Foundation Professional Development Grant program, Silas Tamufor attended the 2023 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo in October 2023. Tamufor is a PhD student and ISPE Boston Chapter member who began serving as the ISPE Boston Educational Programs Committee Chair in December 2023. He, along with 87 other students and recent graduates, attended the conference thanks to the...

iSpeak Blog

To meet the biopharmaceutical industry’s duty to manufacture safe and effective therapies for patients, a robust quality system is fundamental to success. A quality system should link to quality culture and prioritize focusing on quality, led by management, that fosters sustainable compliance and consistent production of high-quality drugs. Strong quality culture attributes include a proactive...

2023-2025 We are pleased to share the 2023–2025 ISPE Strategic Plan video, which reflects an ongoing commitment to our mission and vision and outlines our priorities for the next three years. Hear from ISPE International...
iSpeak Blog

Stability sampling and testing are key to ensuring that products maintain safety, identity, strength, purity, and quality throughout their claimed shelf life. It is also a regulatory requirement per ICH Q5. However, storing product samples in different environmental conditions, testing those samples for three to five years (or more) after initial manufacture, and properly analyzing and...

Published : April 2024 Pages : 72 Table of Contents Special Pricing for Emerging Economies Following the need identified by the ISPE survey of compounding pharmacies and regulators, it is evident that compounding pharmacies would benefit from
iSpeak Blog

Biopharmaceutical facility design is a critical aspect of the industry. Overall cost pressures in the global health system, regional requirements to deploy manufacturing rather than centralize manufacturing in one location, technology enhancements in cell biology and format, flexibility to accommodate multi-product campaigns with different production schedules, and speed-to-market are among...

29 May 2024 - 29 May 2024
ISPE GAMP Benelux COP - Computerized systems and electronic data in clinical trials Join us on May 29th, 2024 at UCB, Anderlecht (BE), for an exciting GAMP event on “Computerized systems and electronic data in clinical trials”. This event will focus...
25 April 2024 - 25 April 2024
Topgolf Networking Happy Hour Topgolf & Happy Hour - There’s no pressure to have a good golf swing or score a lot of points. It’s all about everyone having fun. Registration includes 3 Hours unlimited Topgolf in climate-controlled hitting bays and...
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