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  • IPD

    Integrated Project Delivery
  • IPEA

    International Pharmaceutical Excipients Auditing
  • IPEC

    International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council
  • IQ

  • IQ

    Installation Qualification
  • IQ, OQ, PQ

  • IR

  • IR

    Immediate Release
  • IRB

    Investigational Review Board
  • Iron

    (Chemical symbol Fe.) Element No. 26 of the periodic system; Atomic weight 55.85. A magnetic silver white metal of high tensile strength, ductile and malleable. Melting point of pure iron about 2795 (degrees) F. Chemically iron is chiefly base forming. The principal forms of commercial iron are steel, cast iron and wrought iron.
  • Iron

    An element that has an average atomic number of 55.85 and that always, in engineering practice, contains small but significant amounts of carbon. Thus iron-carbon alloys containing less than about 0.1% C may be referred to as irons. Alloys with higher carbon contents are always termed steels.
  • Irradiation

    1. Exposure to any form of radiation.2. Treatment with a ray, such as ultraviolet rays, etc.3. Apparent enlargement of objects, due to difference in illumination.4. In food technology: exposure of food to controlled low levels of ionizing radiation to sterilize or disinfest it, without inducing radioactivity in the target. If in sealed containers, the product is sterile and can be stored under ambient conditions. Used for continuous flow disinfestation of grain at unloading facilities.
  • Irritant

    A chemical that is not corrosive but that causes a reversible inflammatory effect on living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. A chemical is a skin irritant if, when tested on the intact skin of albino rabbits by the methods described in CFR 16 1500.41 for four hours exposure, or by other appropriate techniques, it results in an empirical score of 5 or more. A chemical is an eye irritant if so determined under the procedure listed in CFR 16 1500.42 or other appropriate techniques.
  • Irrotational Fluid Flow

    An irrotational fluid flow is one whose streamlines never loop back on themselves. Typically, only inviscid fluids can be irrotational. Of course a uniform viscid fluid flow without boundaries is also irrotational, but this is a special case.
  • IRT

    Interactive Response Technology
  • IS

    Information Services
  • ISA

    International Society of Automation
  • ISA

    Instrument Society of America
  • ISBN

    International Standard Book Number
  • ISD

    Information and Standards Development (USP)
  • ISDN

    Integrated Service Digital Network
  • ISG

    Immune Serum Globulin
  • ISG (Immune Serum Globulin)

    A blood plasma fraction obtained usually by Cohn ethanol precipitation. Dispensed as 16.5% protein solution; a concentration of antibodies sterilized by filtration.
  • Ishikawa Diagram

    Cause and effect diagram tool used to gain understanding of the root cause of an effect.
  • Islet Cells

    Pancreatic cells that are the source of insulin and two other hormones involved in regulating glucose metabolism and absorption.