Miriam Kremer-van der Kamp holds a BSc in Engineering in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology from IMC Krems, Austria. She first gained practical experience working on the integration of VHP decontamination into an existing ceiling module for modular clean rooms. She is the Business Development and Sales lead for the D/A/CH region at VILS. Miriam joined ISPE in 2022 and serves as the Emerging Leader Liaison for the Women in Pharma® International Steering Committee, Co-Chair of the Engineering, Automation & IT/OT Subgroup within the Biotechnology Community of Practice (CoP), and is a member of the Leadership Team for Emerging Leaders D/A/CH. She has organized key initiatives, including the Emerging Leaders Future Leaders Days D/A/CH, the ISPE Pharma 4.0 Emerging Leader Hackathon, the 30-year celebration of the D/A/CH chapter, and various sessions and workshops for Women in Pharma® Global including the Sunday Workshop at the ISPE Annual 2024 in Orlando..
At the 2024 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo, Women in Pharma® hosted the transformative Adaptable Leadership Workshop. This three-hour session brought together over 60 attendees eager to improve their leadership abilities, team dynamics, and regulatory interaction strategies.
In the dynamic realm of regulatory affairs, a significant transformation is unfolding—a movement that empowers women to assume pivotal roles in decision-making, policy formulation, and leadership.
Innovation is an integral part of corporate strategy. Initiatives to facilitate innovation are continually developed and pursued. The 2022 ISPE Pharma 4.0™ Emerging Leader (EL) Hackathon was designed based on innovator needs and provided a hands-on blueprint manufacturing exercise. Over a period of two days and facilitated by 40 subject matter experts, coaches, and jury members, 50...
As a woman in the pharma industry, I have witnessed firsthand the growth of the industry in the Germany/Austria/Switzerland (D/A/CH) region and the opportunities it has brought for women like me.
The 2022 ISPE Pharma 4.0™ Emerging Leader Hackathon event was organized by the ISPE Emerging Leaders DACH Affiliate in collaboration with the ISPE Pharma 4.0™ Community of Practice (CoP) Plug and Produce Subcommittee. The goal was to bring together students and young professionals from different fields of study and countries together to explore the emerging challenges and opportunities in...