Denis Ring

University College Cork
Lecturer (Retired)
Denis Ring, PhD, CEng, FIChemE, MIEI, has a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Strathclyde; a PhD in process and chemical engineering and a higher diploma in teaching and learning in higher education from University College Cork; and a certificate in applied chemistry and a diploma in chemical technology from the Cork Institute of Technology. He has over 30 years of experience in university education, including as Lecturer in Process and Chemical Engineering and Course Director for the Certificate and Diploma in Process and Chemical Engineering at University College Cork. He teaches fundamentals of chemical engineering, process plant design and commissioning, pharmaceutical engineering, and process simulation and feasibility. His research is in the areas of Industry 4.0, optimization of pharmaceutical processing, granulation, and powder technology. Denis is the Current Chair and Founder Member of the Institute for Chemical Engineers (IChemE) All-Ireland Member Group. He has been an ISPE member since 2015.