Christophe F. Riedel

Claranor SA
Christophe Riedel, CEO of Claranor has a Master’s Degree in Food Engineering from Agroparistech 1991 and MBA from Lyon Business School 2005. After a first expérience in Germany in a Food R&D Centre, Christophe worked 12 years in the French Leading Food Innovation Center. As Regional Director and then Operations VP, he developed Platforms for industrial customers to evaluate new preservation technologies, among them Pulsed Light. <br/>
In 2005 Christophe was hired as CEO to create and develop a company producing fresh cut fruits, using water-jet. He joined Claranor in 2007 as Business Development Manager, after he had realized a market study in 2005 during his MBA. Christophe was appointed as CEO in 2010 when the founder left the company.