Learning Level: Basic

With COVID-19 very suddenly forcing our entire world to rethink the way we interact and do business, ISPE found itself propelled into largely uncharted territory of virtual exhibits. After a lot of research and planning, we finally landed on a valuable and sustainable solution that will support your connectivity needs during these unprecedented times: The ISPE Partner Showcase.

The ISPE Partner Showcase brings together our exhibitors and attendees in a convenient and smart virtual space—providing the same value and vibrant experiences as an in-person conference.

Join us for the informative webinar Introducing the 2020 ISPE Partner Showcase to learn about this new virtual business model and the unique opportunities that your organization will benefit from.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the purpose of Partner Showcase and how/why ISPE went in this direction
  2. Know the value and the exposure that participating in the Partner Showcase provides
  3. Learn how to set up and maximize a virtual listing

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